View Profile MaestroSorrow

666 Audio Reviews

479 w/ Responses


Has a good deal of potential. Still seems quite random, but this is understanble, it IS improv.

For sure though, for your next pieces, do place more thought into them, i'd like to see what your capable of ^^.

I will give you a 5 because I don't believe this should rank so low, but in real life i'd give you high 3's.

Keep them coming.

Cougar-With-AIDS responds:

Thank you, I will put more thought into my next pieces. It did sound better before I converted it into mp3, but thanks for the score.

Very high Quality

I realy like this song, because it moves so well, so smoothly. It kinda reminds me of Advanced training in the chopped up synths.

This song however has a pretty good melody. This whole song makes me think of a great club/dance scene, and a person just watches a girl dance her heart out. When it gets quiter, its as if he see's in slow motion.

"She can't be real..."

I can't really think of anything to add to this song RedSe7en, you know I love all your work, tottaly cool ^^.

5/5 from me, keep em coming man.

Redse7en responds:

Thankyou! Im glad to see you back telling me all the crazy things you imagine my music could be used for. No need to explain my music too well when your around cause you figure out my style so easily. I did like the gated effects on both those songs but I think in the future Ill do less of them unless asked to. Glad you enjoyed!

~Red 7

I workeded out on this too!

The thing that I really liked about this song, was the intense pace and percussional works that carried it throughout the whole thing.

The whole thing was chaotic, and quick, and this served its purpose amazingly well!

I can totally imagine people punching other people, training, crushing enemies, building bonds.

Did you gate this like crazy, how did you achieve these insane quick notes and make them work so well?

I really liked the beginning, the effects, the quick build-up, I felt all of these were effective.

I suppose a piece like this shouldn't have a stand out melody, but I wonder what it would be like with one.

Still, awesome stuff, the piece clearly demonstrates what you wanted it to, and if you can do that, then the whole thing was a success.

Redse7en responds:

When I was making this piece I wanted something to sound more like prodigy hence all the gated effects. I had fun with this one cause I could refine a sound and keep working with it until I liked it. Nothing I clicked on was not used in this one really. Kinda made it jumbled in the end but thats why I broke it down a tad. Glad to see you enjoyed it and I'll definately PM you when I make another so you dont kill me hehe.

~Red 7

Pretty damn fine

I really liked the melody of this beat, especially at 1:03 when that synth melody comes in. It felt pretty neat there. Again at 1:16, boom baby, it comes back, and all is good!

I would recommend harmonizing it with another synth in a lower octave, to fill in more song depth, perhaps another pad.

Excellent work man, 5/5 from me, keep them coming.

Rawrthaas responds:

Yay, thanks, Maestro.


I loved the vocals at the beginning, truly you did some pretty neat effects to it!

I would definatly say this is a Trance song, it REEKS with Trancyness.

I would have liked to have that pad in the background a tad bit louder, to let it play a more crucial role, you know, to serve as a kind of foundation.

I didn't quite like the re-introduction of the voices, it was too stubborn without really any warning. I would have liked to hear a kind of build up, and then a large drop off, "BANG!" or something, to symbolize sudden and drastic change. After which the solo vocal sound would have been effective.

I absolutely LOVED the melody after that part though, i'm a classical composer and so I put a LOT of emphasis on melody and mood, both of which I feel you absolutely rocked at.

It seems you've been voted 0 because i'm sure a lot of people thought this song was stolen, you handled those vocals very very well.

5/5 from me DJMontana.

Nice end, keep them coming.

DjMontana responds:

HEy Thank u Kindly man ! There are many people who are just looking for excuses to say i ripped something!

If i use a tune i call it a REMIX..so its clear to everyone !

Youre right on the VOcal part i finished the Track and posted it right away and didnt hear that small faillure.

Thnx for The effort on this Comment, i hope we speak to each other more ? i really would like to exchange experience with Trance ! :_)

>Im gone for 2 weeks now..Holdiday !

Thnx& Greets

I don't have this one?!

Oh man, I've missed your Tetris remixes! I can't believe I don't have this one!

*in MP3 player it goes*.

Its so laid back, and yet it still holds onto its strucutre. That really really low instruments (oboe?) you used worked out pretty well.

In the end with those saw synths, I really really liked that part. I don't know why, I just really like the saw sounds.

I am planning on making an orchestrated Tetris just for you. I hope you will enjoy it ^^. 5/5 from me Dj-SilenT-HunteR, keep em coming.


I for one, do not believe length is what makes a song good.

This song is rather short, but I personally enjoyed it greatly. I also didn't see the problem with the synths. I felt the synths complimented to vocalist rather well.

Nice Vox in the background.

Nothing much to say about this piece Dj-SilenT-HunteR. You do remixes quite well. I can't do any remixes :P.

Keep them coming, soon enough, you'll bring the downfall to all other techno artists, one synth at a time.


Where's the final song!?

It's like an awesome MegaMan song. Very interesting synth you use. Have you considered layering it with the same melody, same synth, but a few (say 2) octaves lower?



My first reaction to those high pitched synths were a bit doubtful, I won't lie. But then I sat down and thought to myself "Why did he do it?". I know by now nothing you do is purely random. At the transition at 0:42, I realized that to carry over to that point worked wonderfully.

Where did you get the cheering sounds? So real! Truly makes the song feel like a dance song, you know, where you rave and dance, and jump, and possibly make fun of other people because their break dancing reminds you of a paralyzed goat... but I digress.

What really impresses me, is this song uses the same foundation melody for throughout the whole song, and yet it never gets boring. The constant changing of the secondary layer on top of it keeps it fresh, and exciting.

It does change melody wise at 2:31.

Oh my god, you killed Techno! ;).

My friend, you need to get a better microphone. When I want to record myself singing or anything, I place the microphone an inch below my lips. Close enough to record the voice, out of the way of the breath to remove that distorting breath noise.

Melodic wise, this song was absolutely amazing. I can see you progressing in skill as I go down the list of songs.

Last minute of the song was pure orgasmic, wrapping it all up.

Breakdown ending, worked out pretty well.

I have nothing to suggest in making this better. Easily another 5/5 from me.

Dj-SilenT-HunteR responds:

I know the begining is high pithed :P
But when i play it with my headphones it sounds normal :P that strange, time to change headphones...

You dont know how glad i am now!
Im so glad you reviewing my songs and that you like them too.
You allways supporting me dude!!
In a couple of years, when i become a good dj, ill make a song for you :) and you will hear it everywhere!
thxthxhtx again!
I promise you, ill review all your songs!

Your flashmovie i made for you :)

It's been one hell of a ride guys, but it's time for me to leave. I will still be looking at my inbox, if you want me to look at songs, I will check back every once in a while. Take care Newgrounds! full_metal_slashemist@hotmail.com AIM: MaestroSorrow

Age 37, Male




Joined on 1/5/06

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