My friend SecurityInACan got to you before me... the bastard...
and those were my ideas too >_>.
Well since Security handled the imagery, i'd like to suggest a few things to the piece.
As stated, the piece has a good ambiant quality, and those disjointed strings serve to produce a chaotic atmosphere effectively. I feel the chimes may be unnecessary.
I think a great instrument for this piece which I didn't hear often enough is the timpini, it would work great to set a war like, uncertainty, which is the image I get from this piece itself. I heard it for a short while around 0:54.
That is what you must remember, percussional instruments like the crash, timpini, clavbell etc, must be used more then once to have an effect in most cases. For example, I heard a triangle sound once, and a crash only once in this piece. I think it would have made the song a bit more uniform if you used these more then once, or none at all. The chimes near the beginning (0:22) served a good purpose, I don't think you should use them near the end.
I can imagine this piece with rain going on in the background, and then it reminds me of the movie Blade Runner. I don't know if you've seen it, but its about the uncertain future of engineered clones who are hunted down on Earth. The music would fit perfectly in that movie as well.
Thats all that comes to mind right now. 5/5 from me dj_padman1, keep them coming.