View Profile MaestroSorrow

479 Audio Reviews w/ Response

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Neat stuff

Way too fast X_x.

The song has some intense potential, you should spend more time on it, refine it a bit and then upload.

I didn't appreciate the "activate" voices. They made little sense to me, and rather disturbed the songs flow.

Still, I still enjoyed it a great deal, keep them coming ShinnyMetal, Sephs-A-Goth!

ShinnyMetal responds:

XD like I said I spent an hour on it...in truth I tryied to make it...crappy (for a site called OLremix where they want this kinda stuff)

the activate was there for guess what..NO REASON MWAHAHAHAHA

well accualy I am planing on doing a revamped version of this...still as fast...but better in quality.

you really should cheak out some of the other stuff I have done because some of it is much better XD.

This does NOT suck!

HONESTLY! This song is TEH BOMB!

Kirizzle, is right, you bastard! Ask to get this renamed to something epic and cool!

This gets all my 5 and some <3. God, so great, this time I am flabbergasted.

Keep them coming mhb ^^.

mhb responds:

thanx i appreciate it. but i don't really wanna get it renamed 'cause that's the name of the song. if i can ever get lyrics to it that's gonna be what they're about.

Has loads of potential.

for sure, you need more instruments man, need more variation, more synths, and a nice pad in the background.

It does have a pretty neat foundation, you could definatly build upon it. As it stands, it pretty much a loop.

This song has a ton of potential man, you could add so much to it, its not even funny.

Use the flanger effect as well, that will give it a more trance/techno sound.

Sound effects, sound effects, and more soundeffects. That is always a trance/techno artists biggest fan ^^.

3/5 from me Distortzion.

Distortzion responds:

Thnx for the rev.

I know I could add more to it, but I have simply no idea what.

Hmm, I thought I used Flanger, but I should check it. I

Grood stuff!

heh, i get the most messed up imagery for this song, which I will never tell you (already told you one... but there are far more messed up ones ^^)

Thats just marvelous.

I like how it all starts off, with this strange goofy air to it, then the insane little guitar riff just nails the feeling home.

I don't have much to say about adding or subracting to the song, I found it quite enjoyable, congratz ^^.

5/5 from me.

Xiro responds:

The dancing buttery potato, of smiley goodness, haha.

I must admit, I am curious what else you twiastd mind came up with for imagery haha.


damn you and your minimilistic skillz!

I rather loved how you had only sine waves, and it truly is a damn catchy melody!

I gave you 2 for diversity... cuz... well you seriously limited yourself ;), which isn't a bad thing really.
So I givith to you a 5/5 and loads of cursed love!

Khuskan responds:

Wow, this song got voted up waaaay more than I expected it would...

I should be minimalistic more often :D

Such gentleness!

no I don't think there will be many 0 voters who could dare raise a 0 voting finger against this song!

I am so surprised I didn't see this earlier!!

Love the heartbeat, right away, sets a love relationship kind of mood, like a shy teenager, trying to say hello to that girl of his dreams. (or guy I suppose, we are living in a new world X_x).

I fell in love with the mood, the piano as usuall is a master piece!

I think the flute should have been a tad bit louder at some part, to really give an airy feeling to it.

I'm glad no percussional stuff was used, damn them I say!

I really like how you made the piano sing so many notes, rigid, firm, yet gentle. Determined, yet hesitant. It was a wonderful feel, and I got to enjoy it ^^.

The shakers were a pretty good idea, but I wonder sometimes if it would have been better without them.

I can hear this song with faint bells going off in the background, you know, light, quick bells, to furthar heighten the mood ^^.

Then again I am nothing but a bell nut so don't take my word for it!

Loved the way you ended it... gentle like the way it started, and that heart, great ^^.

Great stuff Dan, another 5/5 from me, with much love!

MilkMan-Dan responds:

Ahh Maestro... a book of a review as always. I happen to like the shakers so u can just live with them *humph*. Bells though... hmmm... bellllllsss... perhaps?... I'll try it out next time. Sorry I'm still working on our next collab... had a hectic week. You the man now dog... ;).


SuperDrummer146's Friends Again?

Faction 1
Originality : 17
Diversity : 17
Clarity : 20
Effort : 19
Melody : 16

Overall : 89 + 3

Its a very interesting piece. The title gave the mood you wanted to tell right away, and I was able to envision several stories with this piece, which makes the song all the more real for me.

The song has a decent number of instruments going, but they all play wonderfully. And especially since these are actually real instruments, I was instantly overwhelmed by them.

There was absolutely no distortion in this song, no muddlement, nothing, so top marks for that.

The fact that you had this song played in real life speaks of insane effort right there! So I would like to thank you for taking the time to create the song the way you did.

The melody is simple, yet it is quite effective at what it says. I quite enjoyed the guitar with the piano going off together, that was a neat concept.

Overall impression on me:
I felt that the drums were a tad bit too loud here. I know because this is real instruments, its not like you can turn the volume down of those, but I did at parts feel that snare was being smacked too hard. I guess when you get into the song, your passion just lets loose its fury ;).

Once again, I want to thank you for using real instruments, it was wonderful to experience.

The part where the piano gets soft, and the guitar joins it, was one of my favorite parts. It was really neat, and speaked of an intimate moment.

Great stuff SuperDrummer124, thank you for joining the contest and giving us this piece!

NGAudioArtists responds:

Thanks for the great review! Very contructive and detailed.

-Drums were too loud, and you are right, I was unleashing my fury for the song : )

Thanks for the review.

P.S. I know it was a spelling error, but it's 146, not 124, but that's okay : )

||\SU-146/||---Peace Out...


GrumbleDuke's Redemption Lost

Faction 1
Originality : 18
Diversity : 19
Clarity : 17
Effort : 18
Melody : 19

Overall : 91

Quite the song style you got going here. An intense story is being told, but I don't know if Redemption Lost is a fitting title, this for me, is a piece bordering with battle/vigour music.

You've got a load of instruments, and a load of different riff's, which makes this song really nice to listen to.

This is where you lost some points GrumbleDuke. The very first flute riff seems a little odd to me, theres just this one note in there, that threw me off.

After the flutes, you throw in too many instruments in too fast, and it becomes a bit muddled. I was able to adjust to them off course, but when you have so many new melodies just jumping at you, it becomes a bit hard to keep up.

Any battle song takes a load of effort in my opinion. And this is some pretty fine battle music, and I can hear the effort with so many different riff's and melodies.

This was your strongest point, because you have a lot of neat melodies going on, and they all sing for a common cause, one united voice that really shines out.

Overall impression on me:
I would like to hear some more percussional work Grumble. A piece like this DEMANDS you have some form of crazy snare roll, and those timpini's were not nearly loud enough. I realize of course, that making the timpini loud may very well have sacrificed clarity, so I will not hold that against you.

The transitions here were pretty damn fine. The background instruments were also just damn cool. They were perfect volume, just hanging in the back, yet giving their own to the song as well.

I really think this song needs more crashes you know, during transitions and in the middle of intense brass riffs.

I realize all these suggestions would make this a purely energetic battle song, and I think you were trying to go with a different story, but heh, this is what I am getting from it ^^.

When the flutes and those strings make a little solo stand, that was my favourite. Awesomeness.

Great stuff GrumbleDuke. THank you for joining the contest and giving us this piece!

NGAudioArtists responds:

Talk about extensive...a lot of time has been spent considering this, and the same for everyone else too. I'll explain "Redemption Lost", seeing as there is no real space in the info bar. Imagine a statement along these lines:

"Your time has come daemon, the light is closed to you now. You shall fall by my hand!". Paladin and evil being then fight.

I know hindesight is wonderful etc, but it really bugged me about the flutes in the beginning, especially the piccolo, but nowt I can do with that now. Once again your wisdom rings true; the timpanis could not be made louder or they became overpowering, the same with the harp later on. I had a feeling you would like the flute transition (that's it milk him for all he's got ;) ).


RyeHeadGuy's Castle Guard

Faction 2
Originality : 19
Diversity : 19
Clarity : 20
Effort : 19
Melody : 20

Overall : 97

Wow, the originality in this piece was just OUT of there! I absolutely adored the placement and how you placed everything! Exceptional indeed.

There was so much going on, yet there was no competition between instruments! So many instruments, so many sounds, weaved into one fine fabric of song.

I was thinking, with so much going on, there had to be somewhere where you would mess up and things would get a bit distorted or muddled. I was so wrong, I must now commit Seppeku. No distortion, no nothing, top marks.

Epic pieces always require lots of effort, and everything you had going on here showed it! Many thanks for putting in the effort, it shows.

I absolutely adored the melody, it was very catchy, and it told me so many stories, so many things. And those neat sounds you add, especially when that techno part kicks in, thats what NAILED the 20 for me. Great stuff.

Overall Impression on me:
I really can't say anything about this piece, that doesn't fall under rant. I adored the instrument placing, the sounds you had going off, the overal feel was really good.

I wonder about those shakers however, I am not a big fan of them, but thats just me, I think they add a very stable pace.

Great stuff RyeGuyHead, Thank you for joining the contest and giving us this piece!

NGAudioArtists responds:

is that the....highest score?
Wow, completely undeserving

Quite Impressive

Well its definatly one of your better pieces ^^. I can hear the massive amount of effort that goes into it.

Its also an incredibly powerful beat to float and immerge myself into.

Absolutely adored it.

I have NOTHING to suggest in making this better man, great stuff.
5/5 from me easily.

Keep them coming.

tF-ownedyou responds:

Wow.. i got a review by THE Classical king! :D... Thanxz dude! i really aprreciate it :)

It's been one hell of a ride guys, but it's time for me to leave. I will still be looking at my inbox, if you want me to look at songs, I will check back every once in a while. Take care Newgrounds! full_metal_slashemist@hotmail.com AIM: MaestroSorrow

Age 37, Male




Joined on 1/5/06

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