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479 Audio Reviews w/ Response

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Getting serious good!

I think this piece of yours, is the most melodic one you've produced to date. And as i'm sure you're aware, i'm ALL about the melody ;). You've met and exceeded my expectations in that department, good job.

I would change that kick, or timpini? near the beginning. I didn't quite like how it sounded, I feel a simple snare would have sufficed in that segment.

Also I think making the choir sings the same notes as the trumpet, is probably not a good idea. I would have liked to hear flute with the trumpet, and have the choir sing long extended chords in the background. THAT would have added some INTENSE power.

Still, great song, great effort. You are truly becoming good at this Raust, keep them coming. 5/5 from me.

RaustBlackDragon responds:

Thanks! It's my personal favorite so far too. also, did you want me to E-mail that song file for the remix? Can you tell me by writing it in a review for another of my songs?

Another 5'age!

it matters not how big it is for any genre Rythim, when you post a song in Misc, it very VERY rarely gets listened to.

That choir... that choir ROX! What program are you using man?! Seriously, since you've been using this new software, you're music has LITERALLY taken a quantam leap!

I love the feel for this song, defiant, marching, and unwavering forces. Love that riff you make those brass instruments play, though I think they may be too soft.

I'm giving you more 5's then I used to... which means I will have to begin giving harsher criticisms ;).

heh, 5/5 from me AGAIN, keep them coming Rythim.

Rythim-Man responds:

The reason it's too big for ONE genre is because I incorporate alot in there. First it sounds Drum N' Bass, then it starts getting sorta trancy while still having a little upbeat march sound, then I go Rock, then I go Rocko with Drum, then I just mash em all together because I realize I been using the same chord scheme for them all. The only part that came to me in a vision was the Drum N' Bass part, but it got out of hand. Then I stop and loop because the NG BBGs are suppose to be less than a minute long and I already passed the mark.

You like the choir? I'm going to use it more often. I have alot of instruments I've yet to use so don't expect to see the same thing from me.

Oh and if you know me and my music, it don't stop for nothing. It's up-beat and it will make the transition no-matter how hard it is. The attitude is like this [You say you can't mix instruments that have nothing in common? Right, well too bad, cuz I already did it!] And most importantly: DON'T SLOW DOWN!!!!!

Put Emphasise on the beats, ESPECIALLY THE FIRST cuz you want to make that guy bop his head, even if he don't like it. And Finally, I know people don't listen to miscellaneous, but I'm like my music, YOU CAN'T STOP ME!


Lol, hehehe I just love acting all full of myself. Ook well thanks anyway, I'm going to turn this loop off and listen to real music now.

So simple, yet so strong.

I don't think I have ever enjoyed a small sample to this degree!

That harp... it sounds SO damn amazing... is it a harp? Perhaps a xylaphone? Tell me what it is, and where you found it, it is truly a very very moving instrument, and you have utilized its power well, with such simple chords, yet so effective.

My second time, I have ever given such a short loop a 5/5.

Keep them coming Raust.

Rythim-Man responds:

Well, I read around Newgrounds and saw that flash artist are more likely to pick short loops over huge compositions that take up alot ofmemory and u wound up low "qualitizing" them just to fit them in the flash, so I created the NG BBG, meaning New Grounds Battle BackGround. Although they aren't neccesarily battle music, they're still not happy tunes. NG BBG 1 is a completely different tune than NG BBG 2, so don't think it's just an updated version. Also, I went around reviewing other artists and stealing their ideas lol, not really, but I heard one song that was incredibly simple yet sounded great, so I thought I'd try to do the same. Only 2 instruments here, my favorites. Those harp sounding instrument that is playing arppeggios is bells. I guess like these big bells that we have in the school only these are playing high notes (I notice instruments sound way better when u make them play out of their range, which sucks because then you can't play them in real life). It's the chord Scheme of NG BBG 2, only I took out all the other stuff and left the bells because I thought they sounded nice enough own their own. That other instrument playing the melody, it rocks, I love how it sounds. Those are pizzicato strings which I think sound almost the same as tremmelo strings. They are so raw, when I found out I had them I wantd to put them to good use, and this song was perfect!

It's creepy BG music for when ur alone in a cold small creepy room.



No frownies for NOBODY on your watch eh Rythim!?

I loved the feel the song gave me, though those minor chords really gave the song some darkness to it, which really doesn't help get rid of my frowns.

The song is however quite diverse, and has a huge variety of sounds, many of which are quite good quality!

I really liked your equalizing, it was very well done, kudo's.

I tihnk there was this faint, FAINT, flute melody in the background at some parts, for sure, either get rid of that, or make it louder to hear more clearly.

Did you learn Soundfonts or VST's so quickly?

One of your better pieces Rythim.

5/5 easily from me, it sure as hell got rid of my frown. Keep them coming ^^.

Rythim-Man responds:

Having Not A Frown, it's like a theme of mine that is very old. I don't know where I got it, but long ago, something possessed me to play a melody, then play that same melody on a minor scale right after it. Two totally different feelings right after eachother. Some how, it worked and I got one of my most original themes ever. Having Not A Frown, I have 2 versions for the piano, one for flute and picolo, and this Marching Version is the newest. The marching one tends to be alittle "dark". But I did that on purpose. I wanted the feeling of someone trying to remember what it was like to smile, but not quite getting there.

Why did I name it "Having Not A Frown"? I have no idea, but if you sing to the melody, it actually falls in the right number of syllables.

The Marching Version is actually about 2 months old, I just been keeping it in archives cuz I wasn't sure I wanted to expose it to the public (Ya I keep some of my stuff to myself =p)The theme itself, I came up with around the time I first started composing.

The New technology is in my NG BBS' and it's really just audacity, using it's effects on the music. The real difference is me using different instruments I never use to touch. I want to have as many instruments and genres on this page as possible so I can fit any one's style...My songs tend to be up-beat though.

The complete version is not written, but in my head, and only "I" can play it on piano. And I suck on everything except an upright acoustic piano, so it's going to be tough luck getting a clear recording of that on here.

I also found out this Finale thing comes with it's own sound fonts or something so I had these the whole time and were too afraid to use them. I suppose the reverb and equalizing was all automatic because I don't even know what those mean lol.

The Faint flutes, they really aren't melody, they're just fillers... like in a painting, for effect you want to color something contradicting the main color off to the right so you distract attetion from the center, making it more interesting. I though adding a faint flute would make it seem like there were alot more going on that you need to listen for. They're real low cuz they sorta have nothing to add to the song but filling. (Not feeling, filling).

*Deep Breath* Lastly, the thing that makes this song different is that I used like 5 different types of percussions, I have empty tracks that I never got to using because I felt the song was complete enough without them. There is xylaphone, some bass, a snare that is just tearin' up the drum, and a bunch of other stuff I can't remember. OH yea, symbols, kongos, or bongos, whichever I never could tell the difference, some kinda thing you hit with a stick and make a sound...

It has the potential now go exploit it!

the song has a calm and depressed core to it Raust, and right away you establish a mood that you carry throughout the whole piece effectively.

This is no small accomplishment.

The song does however get a fair bit repetitive Raust. I believe you have this amazing melody, but you could build up on it so much you know, as it stands it is this neat piano riff, with a flute that plays the same melody, and some neat strings.

Have you considered percussional instruments such as the triangle? I feel the triangle, if used at transition points, would REALLY make the song more powerful you know.

Also, have you considered playing a violin melody on top of the piano, an octave higher, to make another soft melody? I can hear some very very intense possibilities.

What I am trying to say here Raust is, you have a very solid foundation here, and i've said it before, I wish to say it again, you remind me of myself in earlier times. I believe you can eventually create much more powerful things then myself. You have the ear, I would like to see you take some more time with the pieces you present, they all have a load of potential I am not seeing you exploit.

If you let me, I will take this song, and add my own layers to it, to show you what I mean ^^.

Email me at full_metal_slashemist@hotmail.com, I hope to hear from you soon.

5/5 from me this time Raust, because I can hear the potential, and the direction you are taking. Keep them coming.

RaustBlackDragon responds:

remix my song? it would be an honor- go right ahead!

Welcome back T-T.


I am truly glad that you have decided to share more of your work. I am a very big fan of your skills, and through many of my less inspirational moments, I have dwelled in your style.

Everything you make is top level production.

Enough with the fan ranting, I would like to share some of my opinions, however foolish they may be :D.

When I was listening to this song, for some reason I kept on comparing this song with the opening theme from Star Trek Voyager (I believe thats what its called, I havn't been watching for a while, but all the music has been with me for all this time).

That bell and percussional work at the beginning, gave me a very merry, almost christimisy feel, and I feel that this feeling carries out for most of the song. As it progresses, it becomes a grand exploration song, which heh, in essence, is what you were probably going for.

This rings especially true, when I read the word "battle" cue for Star Trek. In all honesty, I was expecting something with more "umph", you know. As it stands, it makes for awesome opening music, but I would not consider this battle music.

So I think the voice you introduce at the beginning may not be the most suited, it kinda threw me off. If I did not read the name and description for this song, I would have been kinda confused at what exactly this song was trying to portray until very well into it.

The end was nothing too special, repetitive, but I understand why you did this, so I'm not going to comment on that.

The middle section though, was pure magical.

Welcome back Edgen, I hope you stick around this time ^^.

5/5 from me.

Edgen responds:

Thank you so much for the review. Yes.. I screwed up on the naming system and with newgrounds, there's no way to go back to change it. Sorry about that...

Soo.... with that in mind, I wonder how many other will say it doesn't sound like... 'battle music'. But, I just uploaded the "Real One" called, "Hostile Enemy".

As for voyager.. good. I wanted the star trek feel :)

thanks! /j

So there are still visonairies on newgrounds!

my friend, it has been too long! At last a new track to sink my teeth into!

And I'm the one that has improved? Right back at you.

This song's overall feel, is just DAMN amazing. I gotta say, those epic strings, really blew me away. I'm always impressed by your stuff, I think this may be your best so far.

I was skeptical at first, about those shakers, but they actually work out pretty damn fine. Out of curiosity, have you considered reverbing the shakers? I think it may add a neat effect.

Love that piano melody, simply amazing!

Your transitions are very smooth.

I think you should make the bangs at the transition points louder, especially after you say "this is my vision" and that crazy synth comes in.

I really really want to see exactly what you saw in this vision MrMaestro, 5/5 from me ^^.

Thank you for sharing your vision, it has given several visions of my own. Keep them coming.

DavidOrr responds:

Hey! Always great to get a review from a fellow Maestro.

Hmm, I like the idea of reverbing the shakers a lot. Gonna go try that out right after I finish replying.

I agree 100% about the big hit after I say "This is my vision", but I can't seem to get much more volume out of the sound without getting some clipping and ugly saturation. I'll go play with it some more though, I think it would give the vocals a little more punch.

Glad this made a good impression on you :)! As always, thanks for the review!

Good stuff.

heh, I like it, so I guess no suicide on your part ^^.

It has a very dark and tense core to it, and it loops very very good, perfect for menu titles.

Good work, though Trance songs usually have pads in the background, this worked out pretty good.

4/5 from me DJ_OPQ, keep them coming.

DJ-OPQ responds:

Hey man ,thx a lot!

For the pads ,you're right ,I fukin forgot to put them!

good concept.

Good use of soundeffects, but I would definatly reconsider that really high synth, that plays that melody. I feel it doesn't fit in with the rest of the song that well.

It does however sound like a very interesting piece. I would like to see a finished version.

I think if you had used saws, it would have proven more useful, especially for a title like that ^^.

Also the flanger effect would have given it a neat effect, do try to fit that in somewhere.

Good stuff so far, keep it up ^^.

shootingBLiND responds:

yes, i finally stumped ya, i did use the flanger on the sytrus lol, and i know what u mean with the synth, its even higher but i toned it down with the B overdrive, thanx for the input tho maestro, u always give some good advice

It's been one hell of a ride guys, but it's time for me to leave. I will still be looking at my inbox, if you want me to look at songs, I will check back every once in a while. Take care Newgrounds! full_metal_slashemist@hotmail.com AIM: MaestroSorrow

Age 37, Male




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