View Profile MaestroSorrow

479 Audio Reviews w/ Response

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More wickedness.

You should wake up and just start playing more often!

The recording wasn't that great, there was some muddlement, and I couldn't fully appreciate the melody.

I think you may have been playing a bit too fast for the recorder, cuz it sounds a tad muddled.

The beginning was very deep, depressing, and really moving. I would have to say that was my favorite part.

The melody and feel over the whole song, I enjoyed to no end.

I imagined myself standing there, listening to the piano, and was in fact able to remove most of the recording feel, and almost be there.

The experience was great.

another 5/5 from me, keep them coming Serianous.

Serianous responds:

Lol thx for reviewing my songs very much appreciated, yeah it is muddled, i dont got a great mic and i was making it up as i was playing it so sometimes the melody didnt quite stand out or harmonize with my pedal


I enjoyed this version much more Serianous. It was simply flowing like molten candy, down the river of sugar teeth ^^.

Don't you love my strange ass analogies

I am glad you recorded this live, because it sounds infinately stronger, and more inviting to listen to.

Another 5/5 from me. Thank you for sharing this piece with myself, and Newgrounds ^^.

Serianous responds:

hehe, it was my pleasure, its not done though, i feel as if the end was left hanging, and it could flow much better, technically anyways...well keep an eye on me, im not done submitting lol :P








Are you fer real? You made this? Too cool! All my thirty 5's are teh belong to you. I will try to spread your name, you deserve more attention then you're getting.

Zi3ntar responds:

WeeHee !!
Thank you !!
I love you !!
(just kidding)
5 and 10?


I had thought I left a review for this song, but it seems I didn't press enter X_x.

Silly me.


the vox's in the background, serve to have an amazing effect, and I also believe you have set them at the perfect volume. Noticable, yet silent enough to keep the song undisturbed.

Heh, those claps! I didn't notice them at first, but then when I did notice them, they kept going and going, and it began to irratate me. Don't get me wrong, it wasn't the effect they gave that irratated me, it was the image I made up in my own brain, like a small ADD kid, just clapping, REALLY fast, for no reason, a great smile plastered on their face.

I really liked the great variety of transitions and instruments you use, makes it very very diverse and enjoyable.

I remember the first few songs you submitted here Zi3ntar, and here you are now, nearly twice in strength and skill then back then.

I am truly impressed at this pace you are going. In a matter of months, you will take your place amongst the elite.

5/5 from me. Keep them coming Zi3ntar. I will keep a close watch on you. (And not stalker wise either >_>").

Zi3ntar responds:

5 from you?
just ... WOW... 0_0 !
It is honor for me.
Thanks for noticing.
Yeah i know if this clapping is a little bit too fast. But i only hear that when i submited this song =P

And dont worry.

...especialy from you :)

More awesomeness

umm... put my review for Metroid Prime, here in Zelda... I told you I was sleepy >_>.

So I will now also review Metroid.

Again, you have very crisp sound, and it's all damn amazing. You have to tell me from where you get these sounds, or I will hunt down the NG database, and wipe you out of existence >:O!

The threats, they are endless ^-^.

Regardless, I liked this piece, especially when that techno part kicks in near the end.

ZombiePosessor responds:

Well, as far as "where I get the sounds," thats all me. I actually design my own synths using the M1 I have. The electric piano in this, I "borrowed" from school, heh. The bass is a Gibson Thunderbird IV original, not a re-issue, which is why it has that nice fat sound to it. The drums are Steinberg's "Groove Agent 2," which aside from DFH Superior has the best sound for a drum machine. Thanks for the review.

Damn impressive

It's awesome, and to see such low scores on all your fine pieces irratates me greatly. After my review, i'll five as many as my fingers will allow ;) (4 pages... -urk-)

I simply loved the guitar sounds in this piece, it sounds so damn real, yet... kinda synthy. I don't know if its real or not. It's pretty damn relaxing... I really shouldn't be reviewing this at like midnight... getting... teh tired >_>.

Alright, before I nod off to sleep because of this piece, 5/5 from me Zombie, keep them coming.

ZombiePosessor responds:

The nylon guitar is totally real. All the instruments that can be played by a human (except the drums) are me playing them. Even the synths, I've got a Korg M1, w00t. Anyway, Thanks for the good review, now go to bed, lol.


I absolutely LOVED the core of this song. The melody was exceptional, and as a classical composer myself, all I do is place importance on melody and the essence of a song, both of which you excelled.

Great stuff.

Using three guitars... oh... mai... teh... frikeen... god!

I use like two guitars, and it distorts worse then a hippy on three pounds of crack.

Great equalizing, and quality.

I would have liked to hear some percussional stuff here, I feel thats the only missing element.

Otherwise, this song is teh sex.

5/5 from me ShinnyMetal, this one pwned.

ShinnyMetal responds:

If you liked this wait till it is done MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA

much more will be on this...and this recording will be scraped, I just want'ed people to hear what I was doing ^^

realy thanks again.

Finish... FINISH!

for a song you made in 30 minutes, getch yer arse back in that seat, and BEGIN THE CLICKING REQUIRED FOR COMPLETION!!

I loved the silent part, and that piano was DAMN amazing. You have to tell me where you got that soundfont, or which VST you used.

My email's in my profile, I would be greatly obliged. As a classical composer myself, I can never have enough amazing sounds like that.

5/5 from me i2abbitz. You are officially on my bookmarks list. Keep them coming.

i2abbitz responds:

haha i ran out of uhh.. musical juice after i got up n used the restroom while making this song so i just left it as is...

i've just emailed you the piano. hope to hear what you can do with such an instrument.

i am honored to be bookmarked by such an amazing composer like yourself. i've been telling many about your music. all have said that you are incredible and should be getting paid to share your musical genious to the world.

maestro sorrow.. you are incredible.


That was a pretty big promise to promise, and surely enough you were accurate in your promise. I found the piece intensely interesting, and amusing beyond words to listen to.

You have some INTENSE skill here man, I think this one is your best, or at least I found it the most amusing of what you have here.

5/5 from me poo_on_you, keep them coming ^^.

poo-on-you responds:

Well I actually spent some time making this one good, usually I dont worry about the minute details as much as here. It pays off though ^__^ Thanks for the great review :D

If only I could adopt this song as a brother :(.

hmm, you seem to really be good at what you do. And this is your first song?!

I will wait patiently and see what else you can bring to us!

I have absolutely no suggestions in making this song better.

It just plain out rox.

5/5 from me Dj_Zion, keep them coming (scoring so high too ;) ).

The-XI responds:

:O OMG I love your music man!

I will SERIOUSLY drop you a review right now! Thanks!


It's been one hell of a ride guys, but it's time for me to leave. I will still be looking at my inbox, if you want me to look at songs, I will check back every once in a while. Take care Newgrounds! full_metal_slashemist@hotmail.com AIM: MaestroSorrow

Age 37, Male




Joined on 1/5/06

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