View Profile MaestroSorrow

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ah, faithful Sytrus, where would I be without thee ^^.

It is quite strange, though a bit repetitive, this is a great foundation to build a melody upon, and I really think you should consider that.

I like how you switched them, it sounded pretty cool, maybe have them both going off at the same time somewhere?

I would like to hear some diversity and a melody built on this song.

4/5, keep them coming Slik.

SlikRik19 responds:

Thanks man!

I did actually try running both synths at the same time, but it sounded awful, believe it or not.
I personally think I coulda done better, but I was running out of time when I made it, so I did it somewhat sloppily.
Anyway, thanks for the input, and the 4!

F-KREW Mischief Maker

Very impressed

The melody here was what really set the mood for me, it was so calm and inviting.

I would have placed this in ambient, I feel it would have done better there.

I can't give a full review right now, but if you want email me, i'll send you my full thoughts later.

5/5 Zakk, keep them coming, you've got potential.

zakk123 responds:

Thnx man for the good review.Do you also make music. zakkdodds@hotmail.com


heh, there was NO way I could understand those lyrics, but they seemed pretty insane themselves! I think that may be because you added a delay effect on them?

It has a nice solid beat on the background however, that keeps the song going!

4/5 this time Pedro, cuz I strained my poor ears trying to understand the lyrics --_--"

Still it was a pretty good attempt, keep them coming.

snoballandthmonyshot responds:

sorry about your ears dude, get well soon:)

good stuff.

heh, you don't have to put the song specs in the description.

The melody at the beginning caught my attention right away! The drums you introduced later on, fit right in.

The transition from the beginning melody to the next however was too fast, and choppy. I would recommend either putting a crash, or a drum roll getting louder and louder to indicate great change is about the occur.

The sound effects you placed in the background works quite nicely.

Truly an ambient piece.

4/5 from me Hermit_Canal, keep them coming.

Hermit-Canal responds:

Thank you for taking the time on giving me
artistic direction.
Greatly appreciated, and noted.


how impressive!

I'm usually hardpressed to find a way to use the harpischord, but you've done very well here!

Also the strings you used, and how you used them were quite exceptional!

Then the flute and harpischord ending... immensely moving. Then the drums come in, making it all work.

You have moved me deeply with this piece

5/5 from me, keep them coming.

Love-Hate-War responds:

Heh, the harpsichord is a great instrument, no? I had a bit of trouble at first, I wanted to create something that sounded medieval and epic(harpsichord, flute, etc) and combine it with more modern sounds (Ie - holywood style strings, blues organ, etc), and being primarily a piano player I found the sustain on the harpsichord to be much shorter than I anticipated, lol. Im glad my music has moved you, it's all I ever intended to do, so thanks. I have more in the pipeline, so wtach out for them.


I think your crazy!

That strange piano crash sounded awful, but intentional awful, not as in ew get rid of it awful.

What is that guy saying!?

I'm getting a bit paranoid now... WHY MUST THEY SCREAM >_<!

Heh, very effective piece man, truly scared me.

5/5, cuz your an insane nut, and I would like to see more work from you.

JohnFloyd responds:

Thanks! The guy (me) is mumbling a section of Revelations over and over. More is on the way!


ah, much better!

It seems like an entirely new piece! I also noticed the changes you did.

There was one point for me, when things started getting cut out, that was a bit too rapid, the guitar playing the melody just cut out for me, not sure if it was intentional, but that confuzzled me X_x.

Still, an incredibly fine piece.

5/5 again.

Dj-SilenT-HunteR responds:

Made this song actualy for you.
You requested and you get it.
Thx for the idea.
Your songs is much better then mine :D
Thx again// SilenT-HunteR

Now you've done it!

ah, I was hoping for this, i'm glad you did not disappoint ^^.

(I will treat this piece as if I never heard the other piece in order for a fair review).

The intro was exceptional, the volume levels were quite well, and you progressed in the song wonderfully, adding instruments slowly, and fading them in without disrupting the flow.

The whole bulk together was well planned, no clashing notes, no competition for space or attention.

(that delay 2 effect you used on the reverse hi hat (I believe thats what it is) was pretty neat!)

I swam in this melody and beat throughout and out.

And you have a very well built in ending this time Diabolo-ical, you've truly built yourself a fine piece this time!!!

5/5 (if only I could vote higher), congrats, keep them coming, i'll keep on listening.

Diabolo-ical responds:

*is lost for words...for a moment*

I can't begin to tell you how much I appreciate this praise. It's very encouraging. I'm glad you like it so much, and I think this one is one of my personal favourites...

Hmm, can't see any criticism here. Not sure if that means you have any or not, but regardless, I'm more than satisfied with this tune. Thanks :)

Quite impressed.

nice intro idea with the wind, set up a nice ambient background to get the listener ready for.

I didn't quite like that sound effect you used at the beginning of each chord, like a bottle blowing up? I think you can do without it.

Still, t'was exceptional.

4/5 this time Highland, keep them coming ^^.

Highland-Furies responds:

Thanks alot for the review, this is actually my first attempt and submission on NG. The sound effect you were talking about is actually a synthesized flute. Unless you were talking about the drum kit used. In the beggining of each 2nd bar, the drum kit has a "car" hit wav. I thought it was funny that I could put that in and no one find out, but good ear.

Thanks again for the review, the support is appreciated.

Very impressive!

hey this was pretty decent!

I've heard this song at least a BILLION times, and you've done it GREAT justice! I almost wept because the little kid inside me went on a bawling craze T-T.

The drums were exceptionally woven in, very cool!

5/5 from me Highland, keep them coming!

Highland-Furies responds:

Thats great news, I really though maybe that people would have gotten mad that I created a remix that people have done over those so many times. However it didnt seem to be the case.
This is the first time I remixed something and submitted it on NG. So, expect some diversity in the future soon.

Thanks for the review!!!!

It's been one hell of a ride guys, but it's time for me to leave. I will still be looking at my inbox, if you want me to look at songs, I will check back every once in a while. Take care Newgrounds! full_metal_slashemist@hotmail.com AIM: MaestroSorrow

Age 37, Male




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