View Profile MaestroSorrow

666 Audio Reviews

479 w/ Responses




No friggen way! I loved every electrical note of it!

I think you should have made it a bit faster.

I REALLY liked this piece, you gave it a new and powerful feel to Tetris I never imageined before!

5/5, I can't relaly think of more things to say that doesn't classify as rant, so i'll stop here! Great stuff!

Now you've done it!

ah, I was hoping for this, i'm glad you did not disappoint ^^.

(I will treat this piece as if I never heard the other piece in order for a fair review).

The intro was exceptional, the volume levels were quite well, and you progressed in the song wonderfully, adding instruments slowly, and fading them in without disrupting the flow.

The whole bulk together was well planned, no clashing notes, no competition for space or attention.

(that delay 2 effect you used on the reverse hi hat (I believe thats what it is) was pretty neat!)

I swam in this melody and beat throughout and out.

And you have a very well built in ending this time Diabolo-ical, you've truly built yourself a fine piece this time!!!

5/5 (if only I could vote higher), congrats, keep them coming, i'll keep on listening.

Diabolo-ical responds:

*is lost for words...for a moment*

I can't begin to tell you how much I appreciate this praise. It's very encouraging. I'm glad you like it so much, and I think this one is one of my personal favourites...

Hmm, can't see any criticism here. Not sure if that means you have any or not, but regardless, I'm more than satisfied with this tune. Thanks :)

Neat bassline indeed.

the bass lines were quite fascinating, especially that thing you do with them warp them really quickly up and down. I have no idea how you did that, but its really neat.

Don't know WHY it got such a low score, it had my head swaying left and right, and forwards, backwards, and sometimes up (don't ask).

I would love to hear this with some kind of insane saw pad shooting off a neat melody, it feels like a very solid foundation for something like that.

Just a suggestion ^^.

5/5, keep them coming starfoxtechno.

Good stuff!

the warpings voices were really neat, it had me wondering what exactly you'd throw at me next.

And you threw more insanity down my way ^^.

The vocal sound was EXCEPTIONAL, where did you find it?!

Definatly a great for my collection.

5/5 from me starfoxTechno, keep them coming.

Quite impressed.

nice intro idea with the wind, set up a nice ambient background to get the listener ready for.

I didn't quite like that sound effect you used at the beginning of each chord, like a bottle blowing up? I think you can do without it.

Still, t'was exceptional.

4/5 this time Highland, keep them coming ^^.

Highland-Furies responds:

Thanks alot for the review, this is actually my first attempt and submission on NG. The sound effect you were talking about is actually a synthesized flute. Unless you were talking about the drum kit used. In the beggining of each 2nd bar, the drum kit has a "car" hit wav. I thought it was funny that I could put that in and no one find out, but good ear.

Thanks again for the review, the support is appreciated.

Very impressive!

hey this was pretty decent!

I've heard this song at least a BILLION times, and you've done it GREAT justice! I almost wept because the little kid inside me went on a bawling craze T-T.

The drums were exceptionally woven in, very cool!

5/5 from me Highland, keep them coming!

Highland-Furies responds:

Thats great news, I really though maybe that people would have gotten mad that I created a remix that people have done over those so many times. However it didnt seem to be the case.
This is the first time I remixed something and submitted it on NG. So, expect some diversity in the future soon.

Thanks for the review!!!!

Plenty of havoc!

must be some PREEETTY pissed off witches 'n skeletons 'n vampires X_x.

Heh, as usual the piece is PACKED with energy. I lovd the overal feel. At first I thought maybe the song could do without the repeating crashes... then as I listened to it more, it became part of the song, I was expecting them again and again, kinda hypnotic.

Thats a good thing ^^.

My only other suggestion would be to increase the volume of the guitar when the drums and crashes come in, I know it's there, but I can't hear it.

Still quite nice!

5/5, keep them coming Chrizzly.

Chrizzly responds:

Hey,thanks man! packed with energy....god what a compliment...


it don't scream eva! But it was still friggen great! The strange mix of sounds and instruments definatly made it a worthwhile experience.

When that flute like instrument kicked in, for some reason, I began to instantly grow attached to this piece, and then the choir like sounds came to accompany it... good planning on your part, nothing else to say about that.

The choir pad like instrument you solely use as the song progresses was a pretty good idea, gave a nice tense moment, before you began to dive into the madness!

I quite enjoyed it S-Denjin, a great.

5/5, keep them coming.

ShinDenjin responds:

Great review man. I was going to name it something else that wasn't EVA related but I noticed NeonGenesis Evangelion: END on the TV and just watching the last few scenes inspired the tune and inspired the name. Thanks for the review man.


Groovy ^^.

so suave mister mhb. Truly the groove was exceptional, totally something I could get comfortable with... its a shame, I barely hear stuff like this, I should tune into it more.

Enough with rant, ONTO THE SUGGESTIONS! (and review)

the guitar was well placed, however I think it should get a bit louder, especially when that small riff comes in, and it begins to pick up speed.

You know, I was just dying to hear a saxaphone take it home in this piece you know, join the guitar and maybe have its own solo, it felt like that kind of song.

Everything else was just fine and dandy.

5/5 from me mhb, keep them coming.

mhb responds:

thank youfo the score and the input. i'll see what i can do about addin' other instruments like saophones and trumpets to some of my upcoming songs.

Good stuff.

well how can I argue, t'was VICIOUS as a bastard.

but don't use te stutter chopper on the drums, it made it lump and go off too soon. I'm all for the intensely fast beat, but that stutter chop has to go man.

Still, good piece, keep them coming.

Xiro responds:

Yeah I see your point, but at the end of the song, if the cut isn't on, the drums just turn into a rather unnatractive blob...that was the main reason I put it on in the first place.

It's been one hell of a ride guys, but it's time for me to leave. I will still be looking at my inbox, if you want me to look at songs, I will check back every once in a while. Take care Newgrounds! full_metal_slashemist@hotmail.com AIM: MaestroSorrow

Age 37, Male




Joined on 1/5/06

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