View Profile MaestroSorrow

666 Audio Reviews

479 w/ Responses


oooh more effects! This one was even more enjoyable then the other one.

All the stuff I said there, applies here.

5/5, keep them coming.

Dj-SilenT-HunteR responds:

OMG I love your reviews!!! :)
hehe, ill review your good songs too

Yay, more TETRIS!!

Guy I love EACH AND EVERY one of you Tetris remixes!!!

I swear I could just swim in them forever and forever, lost in their pleasent feel!

I would like to hear you make a heavy metal Tetris Remix, that might be pretty cool!

Now for some suggestions...

hmmm... well I can't really suggest changing any instruments, they all work out pretty well.

The end loops rather nicely really! I though that ending was a little too open, leaving too much of a gap before the song starts again, but thats not the case, its pretty well planned out.

Volume levels were very good, no distortion or unpleasent noises.

I can't really think of anything off the top of my head, congrats on another great remix!

5/5 from me, keep them coming.


the violin instrument you used at the beginning serves to set up a tense environment rather effectively, however I would consider note placement, they seem a bit off and random.

I would not use the brass you did, it just doesn't seem to fit in too well.

Have you considered a delay effect on this piece, it would give it a pretty neat effect.

It was quite enjoyable.

4/5 from me, keep them coming ^^.

Pretty good.

You've got good effects going on here!

The first rapper's volume is too low, I can barely understand him.

The second rappers volume is good, but at one point it gets too loud and distorts.

I liked the first rappers section, because of the delay effects that was used.

Also a rap about vampires?! Heh, i've NEVER heard something like this, it was pretty neat.

Also the beat was solid, but the kick and bass is too high, making it distorted.

4/5 this time Misery, keep them coming.

Good stuff.

The choirs should be lengthened, and you should overlap them less, and the notes they sing should be more spaced out.

if you have too many notes clustered together at the same frequency, its going to sound messy and unpleasent.

You have a tense air with the strings, my suggestion, work on the choirs a bit, space them out, both note length, and which note you use wise.

I would also add perhaps another instrument like a violin or piano playing a tense melody.

3/5 this time Misery, good effort, keep them coming.

Misery666 responds:

Thanks for the constructive critism. I found your advice to be sensible but my music is my artistic view and I like the way my songs are and I would never change them. I would work on them a bit though if I thought neccasary. This is just me experimenting trying to create a new sound. Well, thanks for hearing my work.

Neat stuff.

Hey this is pretty sweet!

The air you've built for this piece is pretty neat, I quite enjoyed the experience.


That background strings/pad sound gets a bit irratating, it keeps playing the same note, and though I understand what you were trying to do with it, I would suggest either make it do a simple chord, of perhaps three whole notes (if not longer).

The piano seems a bit random, the melody is good, however its very unpredictable, and doesn't follow a clear path.

The beat was solid.

4/5 from me Misery, keep them coming.

Spine Busting Darkness!

what is that crazy ass effect you use at the beginning? It sounds like thunder and kick drums!!! So interesting.

Anyways, enough with that.

You've used some INTENSE sound effects that have made this song truly dark, there is holy, there is normal, there is dark, and then there is Enlil's Theme.

I can see some pretty intense imagery with the violins, and when those end you bring forward more sound effects and a nice heavy rythem.

I can hear this piece with a simple snare beat, maybe something to give it a more dark military kind of feel (I'm not sure who Enlil is, but if he's some kind of general, or person in power of a similar situation, it would do the piece some more justice in that sense).

Heh, at the beginning, I was expecting Darth Vader's theme, I think that might have been a slight source of inspiration.

That scream and breaking noise at the beginning grabbed my attention immediatly.

T'was great GodSpeedIAm

5/5 from me, keep them coming.

GodSpeedIam responds:

I'm not sure what the original sound was SUPPOSED to be but I modified it heavily and it ended up sounding really cool!

The original name for this song is Enlil's Transformation. I created it today, taking the whole production day to get the feel of it just right. It's for Outlanders 33, which we just started production on. At the beginning of the book, our big bad guy begins transforming into a giant monster lizard, making him a bigger badder guy. The song will accompny the whole transformation, starting, during, and after. That's why it has those neat accents which are acctually just snakes hissing with some cool fx on them. My site has the product I work on if you're really curious. I help produce Outlanders and Stony Man regularly and compose music for them while doing sound effects and playing the occasional character. I'm really glad you liked it. Thanks for your very thorough review.

Now its becoming good!

Sounding much better Ken, you've really turned it around.

The piano sounds a lot more natural, the guitar is sounding at perfect volume.

I can't hear the lyrics at all man, I know they are there, but I can't seem to hear them, only make out a word here and there.

Its a pretty big ass leap from the other piece, congrats.

The eq'ing could use a bit of work, but eq'ing takes YEARS of practice to master, so i'm not going to hold that against you (I have little to no skill with eq'ing myself).

now its worth a 5/5, I would like to hear you increase the lyrics volume, so that its more easily understood.

You have a good voice, let it boom out!


keep them coming.

kensmalts responds:

thanks. with the vocals I had hoped for some alone time for recording, but my christian, conservitive, Bush supporting brother-in-law was upstairs... so I had to kinda keep it short so it was all done in one take... and as for the levels of it... sounded good to me but I have crappy pc speakers and headphones and that's all I have to go by as far a monitoring my shit... so makes it tough... but that's why it's great to get reviews like this. I'll try to up the vocal levels next time.


I don't need to ask... you perverted bastard ;).

Anyways, enough with the pointings of fingers, and the stabbing of emotions, ONTO THE REVIEW!

I really liked the piano chord, and when the rumbling came into effect, it was vastly moving. I could just swim in that effect, existing, and then stopping my existence only to float with it.

The choir you brought in was well used. Though choir sounds are hard to come by, it worked in this case (did you use a slide bar to have it go up and down like this), your use of different vocals served the purpose of making it interesting and in a lesser sense, warped.

Nice, it was a strange and interesting piece to exist in, keep them coming.


DJdarkangel responds:

Hey i'm not preverted *Looks up and starts to whistle* :)

Thank you again for your continued support you've been with me since started uploading songs here and you've been my main insperation to continue doing so :)

Actualy the piano riff had a strange birth :) i was mega bored and was just playing the piano like *Ding ding DONG DONG* you konw :) and suddenly that popped up somehow and i was like *Wow that sounded really beautiful :)*

About the choir, yeah i know what you mean, but somehow it just fited in place here maybe it was luck :)
Yeah slide bar i actualy imagined the song with real vocals before i put them in.

Thank you again :)

DarkAngel out...

So cruel...

such ANGER! I could feel it seeping out of every atom in my speaker, and as a result through every pore in my body!!!!

I stepped on flower bed after flower bed XD.

Heh, okay enough with that, lets get onto the review.

Impressive beat Dark, I think this may be your most influential piece, its not only entertaining to listen to, but it actually got me angry, and hyper. The crazy sound effects only heightened the mood.

I don't think any more instruments need be added, I doubt you could make anything rain on this guitar's parade, trying would only make it worse.

The ending needs to be worked on, I didn't quite like how it stretched on for so long, and then just BAM went out of service. Have it fade out, it would be better.

Keep them coming, this was great.


DJdarkangel responds:

And hello again :)

Yeah that was the effect i was trying to get, anger :)

I'm glad it worked out :)

Yeah i dont think that i can add something else without ruining the sound of the guitar

About the ending, yeah your right, it was actualy supposed to be a build up and then BLAM but it came out... strange.... anyway :)

Yeah i'll work on the ending :)

Thank you for the pointers and the support :)

DarkAngel out...

It's been one hell of a ride guys, but it's time for me to leave. I will still be looking at my inbox, if you want me to look at songs, I will check back every once in a while. Take care Newgrounds! full_metal_slashemist@hotmail.com AIM: MaestroSorrow

Age 37, Male




Joined on 1/5/06

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