View Profile MaestroSorrow

666 Audio Reviews

479 w/ Responses

owie... my ears...


attempted... I have no idea what you were thinking when you made this man... god, you can do so much better then this man.

I'm sorry I stopped the song about 30 seconds after it started, that was just wierd.

2/5 man, I know you can do so much better :'(.

maybe its just me, but all I heard was a mountain load of static, and very strange effects.

attemptedperfection responds:

That's all it was meant to be.
Thanks for the review!


aaah, the swaying melody... the strings... they emit a tone so pure... so depressed, they have a story to tell, and yet I can never understand it...

I loved it, without a doubt, a true great.

But enough with my appreciation to the piece, allow me to make suggestions.

I'm not sure if you can do it with your VST, but add a vibrato effect to the string, so that it wavers as the note holds on, why? Because doing this gives the feeling of fragility, of something so easily broken, and destroyed, it adds a lot of sadness.

I would have liked to hear the flute in this piece louder. I think I heard one dueting with some strings, it should definatly be louder then that man, maybe playings its own sad melody.

Great way to end it, that I truly appreciated.

5/5 from me Grumbleduke, keep them coming, i'll keep on listening.

Grumbleduke responds:

Wow, thank you. Your suggestions make perfect sense, I see them (well pseudo-hear them) working. What you heard was flute and english horn (octaves), someone plays guess the instrument well. Sometimes I put instruments in for their timbre rather than as a second melody as a rudimentary 2-part harmony. One problem; I no longer have access to Garageband (which is capable of making those alterations), so I'm back to Cakewalk Crud Audio for now. Perhaps after some saving up I'll have my own copy of it. Thank you indeed for your praise.

Neat loop.

This song flows rather well Misery.

The distortion levels on that kick is far too high man, it distorts way above the normal, but then again, I know you are into experimentation, so this could very well have been intentional, it does present an interesting air to it.

The melody is catchy and simple, its repetitive, but it makes for a good loop.

Easily usable in flash's, and after all, isn't that why we're here ^^.

4/5 from me Misery, keep them coming.

Misery666 responds:

Yeah, I agree. The distortion is too loud and I need to lower the volume for it. I haven't got around to re-producing. I just make a best effort at something I do and evaluate it. I will soon lower the volume for it and re-write this piece into a entire song.


This should have gone to goth man, when you classify it as misc, it will not get listened to, or very rarely listened to.

I will suggest my suggestions then.

The beginning grabbed my attention right away, I was quite taken by it, like wandering in a black forest, seeing nothing, but feeling the cold, dead rain hammer at your skin and senses.

The bat chirps added to the forest scene, that choir, also did really well.

There were some abrupt parts, where the choir instantly cuts off and the guitar plays a bit at random, this was not that ear pleasing, yet I think I understand what you were trying to do with that, and it may actually work in the sense you want.

After all, all sorts of unpredictable things could happen in this little world you built.

The rain that trails on after the notes stop playing, was a pretty neat effect, just let the person drown in their own confusion.

At least this was the image I got ^^.

This piece's sound quality was much higher, and much easier to listen to.

5/5 from me Misery, keep them coming.

Flying to my own little world...

I've listened to this piece at least 40 times already, but what the hell, another 30 never hurt nobody ^^.

That high pitched sound you have coming and going repeatedly, is really entertaining, its like a constant reminder to me, of the world you've cast me in, gentle, yet firm.

A bit after the middle, where you begin using all the filters and introduce that pad, and join it off with the clapping... was my ABSOLUTE favorite part, I don't know why, it just stuck to me, and I felt like clapping along, like a gate that allowed me to live with the crowd.

Sorry, I think strangely when I listen to music >_>.

Regardless 5/5 from me. I would give you suggestions, however I am not that well versed in music of this grand scale, so I will not waste both our times by suggesting useless ideas.

Keep them coming William ^^.

MattBlair responds:

You make me blush Maestro. Thanks for the wonderful review. And try not to be so hard on yourself. You keep up the good work with your classical! We should collab, I like your melody work.


Loved the solo.

Definatly not an angel i'd like to watch over me... or would I? An angel this dangerous could serve well...

ANYWAYS, on to the review!

Again, you've succeeded in portraying an image effectively, it gets a bit repetitive, but then you introduced that solo, that INSANE solo, and I was greatly pleased by that piece, because it gave the piece a fair amount of life, and a good amount of flavour.

The drum beat is solid, though I would have liked to hear it more varied, it gets a bit repetive.

Still, overal a great piece, distortion levels are perfect, volume levels good.

5/5 from me Chrizzly, keep them coming ^^.

Chrizzly responds:

Thank you greatly...i was very worried about this one though...when i listen to it on NG it ends right when the first verse starts...and i was thinking: "Is it just my com or everybody's?" Now it seems like it wasnt on evryone's....luckily....youve got great reviews man! Thanx!

Well done.

Ah, an interesting melody from right off the bat, excellent move on your part.

After the initial melody, you introduce a rather interesting sound, that gives it a powerful air (or at least in my opinion).

After I think you do a bit of sliding, i'm not sure, but the notes began to sound a bit off, I would remove that, it kinda tore away at the songs stabilty.

The bass and the rest were pretty solid and amusing as hell to listen to.

5/5 from me Shadow, this was a good piece, keep them coming.


I don't know this tune... though I feel I should --_--"

Still, its a very catchy and lovely theme, instrument choices on your part were exceptional, and that harp that goes off with the strange percussion gave it a sense of flavour I have never heard before, I would like to know where you found the samples for them!

5/5, for some pretty damn interesting and diverse concepts here Highland.

The fact it loops really well only makes it better ^^!

Highland-Furies responds:

Thanks again for your support Maestro,, Ill be checking out your stuff soon...
You can add me to your list of buddies.



I don't know why, but I laughed when I heard this piece.

Not because its bad, oh no! Because of the image I got.

For SOME reason I instantly thought of some old English people with those white wigs and more facepaint then kids on Halloween, acting all snobbish XD.

Enough of that, ONTO THE REVIEW!

The strings work very well together, they don't compete, but they work together, hand in hand, they build a world to dwell in (in my case, that english world).

I would improve sound quality, it sounds a bit raw, but melody wise, exceptional.

5/5 from me attempted, keep them coming ^^

attemptedperfection responds:

Yeah, this one's straight out of Sibelius, so the quality certainly isn't optimum. I'll probably arrange it out in Buzz at some point... I'm looking forward to how that will sound. I'm just not looking forward to the tedious re-writing it'll require... ah well.
You made me crack up with your description of the stuffy British farts. Now I'll never be able to listen to this one without that picture in my head. XD
maybe when the Buzz version comes out, it'll inspire visions of elderly ravers.
Thanks for the review!

It's been one hell of a ride guys, but it's time for me to leave. I will still be looking at my inbox, if you want me to look at songs, I will check back every once in a while. Take care Newgrounds! full_metal_slashemist@hotmail.com AIM: MaestroSorrow

Age 37, Male




Joined on 1/5/06

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