View Profile MaestroSorrow

666 Audio Reviews

479 w/ Responses


poor Kirby, he doesn't have an awesome theme like this. He'll get his face wiped clean with this song.

Loved the sliding notes, though I think you may have overdone them a tad bit. I personally think using them only twice would have been better, when using 4-5 so close to each other, it becomes a bit too chaotic.

Love the instruments though, those trumpets work well with the flute, a rare combination really, that worked really well. It gives me many ideas, thanks for sharing this song with NG ^^.

5/5 from me Rythim_Man, good stuff.

Rythim-Man responds:

Yes, I hate how only the dark and evil people have the cool stuff. The sliding notes overdone? Perhaps, but that is how it is in the original. It's also slightly off on purpose too, I got alot of comments about it being off. I did that on purpose, that's how it sounds. A bit too chaotic? Perhaps, but at this time it's suppose to be chaotic. Maybe a little less on them would have been better though. I haven't been able to get my trumpets to work well like I use to, so another song like this may not be coming for a while. I always love the flutes though, never make a Kirby related song without them.

Practically all of Kirby's game songs are rare combinations. You should have heard part 2. It's not often I hear string ensembles play to that type of percussioning. Even more interesting is perhaps how the guitar is with the strings. Oh, wait I'm talking about the wrong song, let me shut up.

I'm always happy to get a review from the Maestro himself.

So keep on keepin' on!


I didn't get a very "bad guy is victorious" feel, but more "bad guy is terrorizing".

You make excellent orchestrated music -Zenon-, there is no doubt, you have an ability. Good use of the bells, oh how I love bells.

The suddenly silent air doesn't suit a bad guy victory too well, if anything, I would suspect a big big building, and suddenly a "bang" exit would be more appropriate. Darkness leaving nothing but decay and destruction, often more quickly then one would care for.

At least this is my take on it.

I also think some cello chords with those trumpets would have made it more sad, which is a good way to introduce the "bad guy winning" scenerio. Still, excellent, excellent work. Love the choirs, chuck them over to me ;).

Excellent stuff man, 5/5 from me, keep at it.

PERVOK responds:

Yar da har, thank you for the review! As for adding more... this song would be about a good 1 or 2 minutes longer IF FL permitted it. The rewire option only went up to channel 16, so I could only use 16 channels... there was so much more I wanted to add, dammit! >:(

Thanks you for the review, and I'll be sure to drop you one later.



The landing!


I love this song,and I love you for doing it. May the heavens shine on your broad musical shoulders all day long, even in nighttime when you're trying to get sleep, but they won't let you, because they're having too much fun at your squirming, and you wake up too tired 'n stuff...

Awesome man, great stuff ^^. You did a great version of it.
5/5 from me.

Grumbleduke responds:

Hey, you told me to write this, so voila! I sleep with the lights on anyway :P.


I get to be first reviewer!!!


The great thing about this song, is that it is by far a TRUE remix. Every other Tetris "remix" i've heard to date was the same notes, merely with different synths, add a pad MAYBE, along with a few added percussional sounds.

This ventures, this travels, and this is new. This is new, yet old, strange, yet familiar.

The song flows amazingly well, and compliments the old melody well with the new one.

I have nothing else to add to this song, nor do I have any suggestions, great job Dan, 5/5 as always from me.

MilkMan-Dan responds:

Hey Hey... thankyou Maestro... it's good to have you back. It's been a while since I tried my hand at a techno like piece. And I always told myself I'd make a remake of a song one day. So here it is... with my own spin. Great to hear from you again.


It's been too long since i've visited your page Chrizzly, and since i'm studying metal music for a long while, I will be visiting here on a much more regular basis!

Anyways, onto the song.

Awesome loop. :P

Thats all I can say really, I suck at giving loops reviews.

Has the feel you wanted to give it though, would make awesome background music.

Chrizzly responds:

Hehe, yeah i don't expect much words at loops either...it's good Maestro, thank you!


the intro caught me off gaurd for sure, I thought that was how the song was going to open, but you began quietly after that reverse crash.

Nice ^^.

The song has an extremely wintery feel to it, I feel you have completely and utterly captured the feel you were going for. Awesome stuff man.

The only thing I think you should do here, is put in a piano, pianos are TEH instrument for winter, beside bells of course.

I have little to add, you have done well.

I loved the little build up in the middle, that is by far the most powerful part in this song, it loses its "winter" feel there, but it grabs a new mantle of aggression, and energy.

another 5/5 from me madboss, well done.

Well done.

The muffled "sound" is probably because the quality of the song had to be reduced. It's 5:30, 128 bitrate that would be around 5.5-6 mb's.

It is an exceptional story however, I enjoyed listening to it greatly.

It seems a tad cliche however, the overall type of vibe from this song has been a tad overdone, however that means nothing in the quality of the work.

I really liked your choirs. I would be careful with that volume control, I know the effect you were going for, like the washing of vocals, but the degree you did this at was too severe, it cut back and forth far too much, it would have been better if you just kept it a stable note.

Loved the strings, i'm all about the strings!

It has a very defiant feel to it for sure, I love it.

You must tell me where you got your choirs ;).

5/5 from me madboss, keep them coming, great work here.

madboss responds:

Thanks for your detailed reviews (for this and for the Wintersun)- I think they are really usefull, so thank you!

You was asking the choir - these are the choirs from this song. Well these are the basic choirs in Reason 3.0 - this program has a great variety of classical instruments, and has some great choirs - I used these.

Teh awesome

Had my head rushing, and banging throughout the wholesong man, you have some crazy speed and finasse going on here, and its all well focused, and works well.

I have nothing to really suggest in making this piece better, it was quite exciting ^^.

DR-Hobo responds:

Thanks Maestro I like your music alot I think I'll put them to disc and listen to them when im falling asleep very relaxing.

It's been one hell of a ride guys, but it's time for me to leave. I will still be looking at my inbox, if you want me to look at songs, I will check back every once in a while. Take care Newgrounds! full_metal_slashemist@hotmail.com AIM: MaestroSorrow

Age 37, Male




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