View Profile MaestroSorrow

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For the person who said he might be better then ParagonX9, I do believe you are mistaken, he is already at that level.

At least I believe so anyways ^^.

I don't know why you named this "The Technician", but thanks to that, now I have this image of some psychotic Technician, fixing things at random scenes, not even looking at what he's fixing, just straight ahead, eyes twitching.

*fuse blows out*

See, look what you did!

Leaving that behind.

Again, it is the synths that really caught my attention. Where do you find/make these, I don't think i've ever heard them anywhere else (well, 98% of them to be precise, I've heard the snare sound everywhere ;))

Loved the ending, was very abrupt, but in a good way.

How do you get so many synths, without crazy distortion of overpowering? Seriously, you've got mad skillz. Since I can't eat your brain, and destroy your soul to claim your knowledge, you must teach me one day ^^.

I have nothing else to say that doesn't classify as ZROW MAI GRAWD, rant, so i'll stop it here.

5/5 from me again Redse7en... stop claiming my fives so easily guy, make a crap song, so I can vote 4/5 and be like "HAH! THIS ONE ONLY TEH GETS 4!!!11!"

keep them coming ^^.

Redse7en responds:

Thanks so much for that compliment! You made my day! The Technician was the title I had the same mental image in my head but he was making gadgets and during the break it sounded like he was showing it off, then back to work. I get these synths from making my own either fully or partially custom synths. Its great how infinate the possibilities are when math is involved. Actually knowing what knob does what helps out dramatically especially when your comparing two or even three different synths at the same time. In this song alone I threw away hours worth of work just to get the sounds working with eachother. The melody is my main focal point and if I still got time left and I'm not too exhausted I try and work on drums the same exact way. Everything has to be perfect or the song wont pop out at you :) I work hard for my 5's hehe. Nice to read such a kind review. Thank you much!

~Justin Powell
Red 7

Intensely woven!

Time for another crazy Image!

OMG, those bells Redse7en, those bells were what captivated me RIGHT AWAY. I could not stop listening if I wanted to.

The man stands on the pinnacle of a massive Church's tower, his arms spread out, the wind pushing his back, with the right force, it could send him hurtling, yet this world would not hurt him. Not today. He stands laughing, this world bends to his will.

I can't even describe the image i'm getting, so i'll stop trying, and get to the review ^^.

Nice buildup at the beginning, I was kinda skeptical about it, but then the bells came in, and I was teh hooked. Maybe it's my intense interest in bell sounds.

This song commands a lot of power, a lot of dark power to be more precise. I can hear lots of subtle dark undertones, of malice really. I credit this duely to the bells really. Like triumphant roars at the sky, they declare their existence, and the person standing above them.

I am equally impressed with some of the background synths, and soundeffects, great use of them. Near the end, with that synth change, it just made the image so much stronger, and so much more moving.

I don't know if you have done it already, but I think reverbing the snares a tad, would help make it sound neater, however i'm no expert in Techno/Trance like you, so don't take that advice too seriously ;).

So far, this is my favorite one of yours.
5/5 from me Redse7en, but only because I can't go higher. Keep them coming man, loving all of this.

Redse7en responds:

Heh well this is the kind of image I wanted people to see if you saw my audio advertisement on page 70'ish. My job is complete! For this song anyways :) The bells were fully experimental because I added them in after the song was created. Yes, I was hooked too. I personally thought the song sounded dark before the bells then when they were added I couldn't even see the song in a shadow anymore. I tried reverbing the snare but in a drum and bass beat like this it's hard to get it exactly precise so that the snare dosn't get drownded out or too overpowering. Unless I add one snare with reverb on top of the regular one it might work but, you know the blatant feeling you get when someone uses two drum sets and they dont seem to fit together? I wanted to avoid that :P You give great advice though but I was one step ahead with that one hehe. Thanks again for a great review!

~Justin Powell
Red 7

Quite nice ^^

I do believe this should have been in Trance.

Do I hear some shores in the background? If I do, you should have made that louder, would have made the image in listeners minds more inviting.

You made this piece a year ago, yet it is quite catchy, to think you commanded this kind of skill that long back, you bastard. now I KNOW I must kill you for my dark lord Musicalatan. He will give me your skills.

Great leads, great synths, very awesome sounding.

I have really no suggestions to making this better, one of your old pieces, surely a classic. Nice.

5/5 from me Redse7en.

Redse7en responds:

I have problems understanding where some of my songs go because theres not many people who do it like I do. I've been trying to understnad lately though :P

No shores in the background. It's actually a hard reverb on a synth I had which gave it that effect. I, at the time though didn't know what to make of this song. It didn't give me a mental image like my other ones do except the second melody which reminded me of a field of flowers or something. This song was acutally one beat that I used to test out many different melodies and synths. I worked on it so long that it wasn't all that bad in the end so I sent it here :D Thank you so much for your insight on this song. Reviews on older pieces still help me understand what my main goal is.

~Justin Powell
Red 7

Very impressive.

As your prize for winning the February Contest, I said i'd review every one of your songs, so here I go! However this will be no chore, I see I had left some reviews earlier, and I agree with all of them still, quite the original artist you are. Off I go to dwell in your worlds (btw, congrats on the victory ;))

I really like the buildup for this song, it gets bigger,and bigger, and more exciting with time. Just when you think it can't get any more built up, you go ahead and do it. Then you introduce those kicks, quite nice way to keep it exciting, while keeping it moving.

I am a very picky person with the kick, but this time around, I think you really found a nice sounding one.

Though I really like this melody, I would also like to hear you mix it up a bit you know, as it stands its the same melody with a bit of instrumental adding or removing. Adding soundeffects, or changing the synth you use for that melody would have added a great deal of variety and the such.

This is one of your older pieces, so i'm not going to hold it against you in any way, just wanted to point that out ^^.

Really like the percussions at the end. That synth melody you have towards the end, was DAMN awesome. I really think you should have shown this part earlier.

Absolutely loved it.

5/5 from me Redse7en

Redse7en responds:

Thank you! I was quite amazed when I found out a week later that I was front page winner with my favorite song. I'm definately glad to see you are still looking at my stuff. I was actually wondering where you went the other day heh.

I personally wasn't too impressed with the main part I introduced first off. I didn't want to make it sound bland and have people loose interest. Thats when I added the break down which was a major feat for me at the time because I was still learning. This ng song is only 4:17mins out of the 7:26mins I recorded. Maybe one day I shal put the rest up on ng. As for adding/subtracting new melodies you'll just have to wait till a TrueRave2006 comes out. Until then Happy song making! Thanks for a great review!

~Justin Powell
Red 7

Friggen awesome.


Another pricless piece.

How do you merge such great melodies with these crazy images.

It's so DAMN catchy. I'm going to go around walking all day saying "My name is Microsoft Sam, and I like men!"

Damn you Anth0n... damn you...

Anth0n responds:

With this song, I made the melody first and somehow thought of the random funnyish sort of phrase later to go with it. I'm glad you like it :)

Thanks for the feedback!

oh the images XD!



I laughed, and was so warped at the same time, the images I saw in my head were friggen PRICELESS. Bus driver, with a twitching eye, driving off the cliff, so calm, kids in the background screaming their poor ADD heads off.

Great ass bass man, really pulled this one off. Very entertaining.

5/5 from me, purely for this image you've given me.

Anth0n responds:

I used a compressor for this one, and it seemed to not only remove distortion but it also made the bass better. I started making this thinking it would suck, but then I came up with the bus driver idea and somehow it motivated me to continue the song lol.

Thanks for the great feedback Maestro :)


heh, it DOES remind me of some old NES games, but in a good way, it's really entertaining, and I can definatly see it in some of those games. Where were you back then T-T?

Interesting lead, not the most original thing i've heard, but it is very entertaining, and this song flows really smoothly.

A bit of distortion, but from what I see in your other songs, this is intentional?

A pad in the background might have it sound more interesting.

5/5 from me Anth0n, great stuff man.

Anth0n responds:

I can't really say the distortion is intentional, it just sorta needs to be there because if I get rid of it (based on the very few methods I know of doing that) then the song won't sound as good.

The song sounds like an NES thing mostly because I'm pretty bad at making stuff sound professional, plus I didn't even really take the time to try and do that in this one. I make all my own samples in FL so maybe that's part of the reason as well.

So yeah, thanks for the great review and the 5, Maestro. I'll be sure to check out some of your stuff :)

even more impressive!

awesome ass use of the percussions here. It's definatly very powerful, and got my head banging for a while. My only concern is maybe it's too loud you know, I couldn't really hear the instruments in the background with them going on.

There is a fair bit of distortion in this song, I don't know what program you use, but many audio programs have compresser plug-ins/effects, which you should use to remove all the distortion. That or lower the volume a tad bit on all the instruments (master volume) so there is no distortion.

Great melody again.

Near the end it was really cool, but sounded a little messed, that deep synth, doesn't really work with the high one in my opinion.

The song moves along wonderfully, I loved to listen to it, for quite a while.

5/5 from me Momo_the_monkey, keep them coming ^^.

Momo-the-Monkey responds:

lol......so the percussion may be a tad bit too loud...but try to turn your speakers down from max. that might help the loudness. yea, thx for the review though. And yes, i will put out more. and i didn't catch a deep synth. well, i probably just heard it too much.


you should definatly consider a name before you submit a song, a nice catchy name will catch people's attention ;).

I really liked the melody in this song, and the that sound effect every four bars is pretty damn neat.

That organ you bring in, serves its purpose pretty cool. I was going to suggest a dark church organ, but that wouldn't work with the instruments you picked to go along with it, so leave it as it is.

Nice Pizzacato (I think thats how its spelled) instruments, adds a really neat layer to the whole piece.

A pad in the background might have given it more of a foundation to stand on you know.

Still, excellent stuff!
5/5 from me Momo_the_Monkey, keep them coming.

Momo-the-Monkey responds:

why thankyou sir. you just like my stuff huh? well, i like you! (not in a gay way, ya know?) i didn't know if the organ worked with it but, i guess it did! thx for the good review. Hoping to bring out another one pretty soon. And the song name is just, well, there. I couldn't think of anything better so, HEy!

It's been one hell of a ride guys, but it's time for me to leave. I will still be looking at my inbox, if you want me to look at songs, I will check back every once in a while. Take care Newgrounds! full_metal_slashemist@hotmail.com AIM: MaestroSorrow

Age 37, Male




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