View Profile MaestroSorrow

666 Audio Reviews

479 w/ Responses


How could I not review a song that had a section of my Alias name in it XD!

I really like how the strings and those increasingly louder percussional segment progressed. It flowed so well, and then that high synth comes in, and it REALLY adds a punch to the song.

I didn't get much "sorrow" from this song, but it was still extremely enjoyable. It reminds me greatly of my own song "Ballet of Darkness" I had made a while ago, do check it out sometime, I am sure you will agree.

I loved the intro, and the song progressed nicely.

5/5 from me Rawrthaas, keep them coming.

Rawrthaas responds:

Heh, "I didn't get much "sorrow" from this song,". My song names don't seem to have much relevance to the song, huh.

Anyways, thanks for your time maestro!



I think you should have put this in Trance, or Ambiance... more Ambiance. It has that flow to it, simple, easy going, yet shows no sign of stopping.

It would make for awesome background music in a town or something of that nature.

it also loops pretty damn fine.

I did not quite enjoy that flute when it joined the bells, I think the two sounds were just not compatible in this case.

Still good stuff, I enjoyed the percussional stuff greatly.

4/5 this time Rawrthaas, keep them coming.

Good stuff!

heh, this song doesn't make me want to get up and dance, yet it has this very easy flowing melody, that just caught my attention, and wouldn't let it go.

I agree, a better sounding piano, would have this piece as good as sex if not better.

Nice simple song, and effective too. As a classical composer myself, I place melody and song atmospere above all else, and I think you've done this quite well.

Good stuff Rawrthaas, 5/5 from me.


I liked this song a great deal, along with all the others.

Though I don't know if submitting for somebody is legal.

Still great stuff.

good stuff.

I don't know, I quite liked it.

It did sound random, but in a delightful way.

Very strange experience indeed...

4/5 from me ^^.

Juiceman713 responds:

Thanx (^_^)


Kirizzle's WTFizzle Ghosts!?

Faction 2
Originality : 18
Diversity : 18
Clarity : 20
Effort : 18
Melody : 18

Overall : 92 + 1

This song had an awesome quality to it, I wasn't really able to place my finger on. It felt new, yet classic, its a difficult feeling to explain.

There was a lot of interesting synths going on here, and I appreciated the style of which you used them, which only gave more diversity to the piece.

There was no clarity issues here, no distortion no crackling or nothing, so top marks there.

I understand that you were rushed, but for 6 hours of work, this was really nice, and I only wish you had more time. I would have loved to hear your power if you had been given the amount of time you wanted.

The melody at the beginning, was kind of strange. It didn't remind me or make me think of ghosts in any way, yet it was exciting to hear overall.

Overall Impression on me:
My favorite part of this song was at 0:56, where the vox began to kick in. I ADORED that part, it was so serene, so forgiving, yet full of malice. And then that strange flopping synth near the end of that segment, gave it an intense twist.

The very beginning, when you have that really rough saw synth, that was pretty neat, THAT part made me think of haunted demonic layer kind of thing, it then breaks down into some kind of chase.

I didn't quite like the choice of percussional instruments. Those drums and kicks were not that great in my opinion, but I understand why you chose them.

I think you may have already reverbed the drums and kicks, but if you didn't that is definatly something to consider.

I gave you that plus 1, because of that vocal segment, that part really spoke to me.

Great stuff Kirizzle, Thank you for joining the contest and giving us this piece!

NGAudioArtists responds:

Thanks for the great scores Sorrow. I can see why I got top marks for clairty though, the song was poorly mastered, I didn't have time to maximize it so it's quite quiet compared to the other tracks on this account. No audio out clipping or anything, the peaks don't even reach -3.0 DB off the threshold =/ so distortion and crackling weren't options.

It's hard to produce anything half decent in 6 hours, but this is the best I could come up with, I'll make sure to put more work into this song, sex it up and upload it on my account later for ya =) but I'm currently working on another DnB and I'll be sure to go to this one right after I finish my current one.

Oh and about the ghosts thing, I didn't put "Ghosts" in the song title because of my melody, I got the "WTFizzle" from that =P but I got the "Ghosts" part because of the freakish flopping synth that you were talking about and the segment which the drums faded out and the vox/wind came in, those were the ghosts!

Thank for the sexy review man!

Ah, now to everyone else: This is a contest account, meaning that none of the other songs on this account were done by me, DjKirizzle. If you want to hear more of my or anyone else's stuff then go to the audio portal home page and use the search function, to search up whatever audio artist produced the track... which most of then put their names somewhere in the title or in the description of the song.

~ DjKirizzle


SineQuaNon's Ballade in F minor

Faction 1
Originality : 18
Diversity : 18
Clarity : 20
Effort : 19
Melody : 20

Overall : 95

I am not that well versed in ballades, so I am not sure exactly where you got your inspiration, wether it be from reality, or if this grand piece just popped out of your head, regardless I felt it was still very original and the tune has been stuck in my head for a while.

There are few instruments here, but you more then make up for it with what you make them play, these notes are very diverse, and extremely fluent (I think i'll be mentioning that for a WHILE).

Absolutely no popping, no hissing, no distortion, even the timpini in the background didn't do nothing to disrupt the waveform, top marks here.

Everything you make has so much effort dripping from it, it burns. There is really nothing much to add here, good stuff.

You've got quite the ear, but afterall with the insane amount of stuff you know, this melody was probably a walk in some form of park or other ;). Absolutely adored it, top marks here.

Overall impression on me:
The song has a very dark and subtle tones of epic to it, which I adored of course. There is no disruptuncies in the song, and everything flows just fine.

I wonder how this song would have sounded like with some reverbed snares, all echoed up, to give it a ghostly, ethereal feeling.

I love the story this piece tells me SineQuaNon, wonderfully done.

Great stuff SineQuaNon, Thank you for joining the contest and giving us this piece!

Getting serious good!

I think this piece of yours, is the most melodic one you've produced to date. And as i'm sure you're aware, i'm ALL about the melody ;). You've met and exceeded my expectations in that department, good job.

I would change that kick, or timpini? near the beginning. I didn't quite like how it sounded, I feel a simple snare would have sufficed in that segment.

Also I think making the choir sings the same notes as the trumpet, is probably not a good idea. I would have liked to hear flute with the trumpet, and have the choir sing long extended chords in the background. THAT would have added some INTENSE power.

Still, great song, great effort. You are truly becoming good at this Raust, keep them coming. 5/5 from me.

RaustBlackDragon responds:

Thanks! It's my personal favorite so far too. also, did you want me to E-mail that song file for the remix? Can you tell me by writing it in a review for another of my songs?

Wandering dark streets.

I like how you used the Tremola strings (I may have mispelled that) at the very beginning, with that deep brass. Its a very common, yet effective way to set the foundation for a dark ambiance.

I also like the soundeffects you employ in the background, like the factory kind of sound... i've been searching for some good sound effects like these, maybe you can tell me where I can find or purchase some decent (if I must purchase, some cheap) ones.

There was some distortion when you introduced a sound effect at 1:07 and again at 1:44, and 1:53. In fact I can say after 2:15 there was a fairly high level of distortion going on.

I use mediocore earphones for all the songs I review, as most people with MP3 players, will not be using expensive earphones to listen to music, maybe you were not aware of this distortion. Or maybe its time for me to get new mediocore earphones :P.

I absolutely adored the atmosphere of course, right away i'm wandering through the dark streets of Sin City, a bloody crowbar in one hand, and the wounds of a hundred fights all around me.

As always, 5/5 from me Edgen.

As always.

Okay, so this is the real battle cue, heh, and its awesome.

There were sections in here Edgen, that I felt were not very malice filled, as an impending hostile force should be.

time 1:56 - 2:17
I felt that this segment, was not hostile enough. I believe you were trying to give the feeling of hopelessness and depression, and that sense, that segment works wonderfully, heh, but I have neither made music for a movie, or for that matter, even a full game, so chances are, I am incorrect on my analysis.

1:11 - 1:15
these four seconds were very VERY powerful in my opinion, and I would have loved to hear you expand on this part, I felt that this small yet effective segment provided an AWESOME feel of invincibility, of an epic war.

1:41 - 1:55
Again, this small segment, was the most moving. It gave me the image of the unstoppable march, which I suppose would be the perfect transitional image for the first point I had made.

Maybe its because I listened to your K&K songs too many times, but I keep seeing medievil forces at war here, knights in shiny armour floating around in space... that is indeed an image worthy of making a movie out of XD.

Thats my 2 cents Edgen, as always, good stuff. 5/5.

It's been one hell of a ride guys, but it's time for me to leave. I will still be looking at my inbox, if you want me to look at songs, I will check back every once in a while. Take care Newgrounds! full_metal_slashemist@hotmail.com AIM: MaestroSorrow

Age 37, Male




Joined on 1/5/06

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