View Profile MaestroSorrow

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Its not that dark really.

The strings do add a flavour of darkness, but I would put all my darkness bet on the bass you have going on there. It is the pillar that holds everything together, which makes it sound quite dark.

And that scribbling noise... *shivers* that scared the crap out of me.

That guitar noise you have going has too much delay and resonates too much, it overlaps each note too much, and becomes a bit too messy. I suggest either cropping it, remove delay/resonance, or find another instrument. I would recommend maybe a synth saw, I feel it would also aid the dark qualities in this piece.

Still it was a great piece.

5/5 from me, keep them coming.

LoneEagle responds:

Thanks for the review. Thanks for the tips. I'll remember that when i'll be making my next song. Thanks for voting. I'll be checking your stuff out too.

Neat stuff.

There is some messy keys being hit, organish sound. It sounds really calm and relaxing, however if you want to make it REALLY relaxing.

Use the harp and maybe some bells instead of this synth stuff (unless its a sci fi movie).

Good stuff though.


For a good idea of what I mean, check out my piece Serenity in a Rose, I feel you may enjoy and learn something from it.

Keep them coming ^^.

Smoke-Tower responds:

yeah i know what your talking about....
i migth do that for the next one

but this one i was trying to get a Final Fantasy song type thing

well thanks for reviewing and voting!

-Justin :)


you say enjoy, but how can I enjoy something when i'm bawling my tear ducts out of commision?!

Such a sweet... sweet simple melody. Classic, yet I never NEVER grow tired of hearing it.

You must one day expand this to a full song.

I can't give you any other criticism as you've used like... one pad, and maybe the strings, however its a great intro start to something.

Keep them coming.

4/5 (Can't give you 5 man, too short ^^)

Smoke-Tower responds:

:'( no 5

ahaha well yeah i made a sadder version of the orignal cloud city i sent in

yeah well maybe one day... when i get bored or not making animations

maybe ill make a longer song :)

thanks for reviewing and voting!

Happy hour?


I'm going to have to pop some pills now... heh, but seriously ONTO THE REVIEW!!!

So here we are again Mr Killer_of_trolls... yes we are.

The flute is usually used for a happy melody, you have used it effectively for a sad piece, but like how you used the viola for your intro I think you should use strings, or the oboe like you used near your ending.

The viola in the intro could be made to play a simple melody rather then the same note again and again.

One of my favorite simple melodies I play are the following keys.

A, G, F, D(above A), F again.

Its a simple melody and when played with extended notes, it sounds rather nice.

The harp and string stabs worked extremely well, as a duo it fit quite nicely.

5/5 from me, quite exceptional. Keep them coming.

If I were you however

Slayer-of-trolls responds:

I know it's so sad. I had to fight back tears of grief making this :p

Thanks for the review.

I didn't work too hard on this piece. I just wanted to finish it quickly cuz I'm working on another piece that I can safely say is my best but I'm not sure if I wanna upload it on this account. This was just alittle fun piece to do.

If you have anymore ideas of what to do with this I'd love to hear them.

Neat stuff.

heh, I can taste the oldness to it GodSpeed... clearly not your best work, but still it was very entertaining to listen to.

I would like to hear this song with your current skils now, i'm sure it would rox pretty hard.

I'm not going to give feedback on this piece, as you are so much better and giving feedback on an old file really won't do you much good.

keep them coming.

GodSpeedIam responds:

These are all pretty old. IM me sometime I'd love to hear from you.

Good stuff.

some years ago you say!? Wow, you have quite the ear. Upload some more stuff up here, I would like to hear them.

I liked this song.

4/5 from me, keep them coming.

WIZ-zee-wig responds:

Thanks, your comment is appreciated.
I may put some more "old" songs.. but I want to ear what others thinks too.. or I may put them on my website (if I stop to be so lazy, and update it) ;)


elevators? Heh, hardly! I loved the melody! The instrument plays around very well, and then you introduce those strange scratching noises. They were exceptional, but I think you should use them less, after all, if you overuse something, it loses its flavour, and ends up getting less interesting.

I didn't find it repetitive, however I would have liked to see more instruments in there, perhaps a background pad.

Great stuff.

5/5 from me, keep them coming.

DrMontigo responds:

The scratching noises consisted of a recording of me whacking my head on a table played in a loop at around ten times a second. Only then it was mixed into what you hear.

The entire tune is made up of just two loops; the first half is without scratching, the second half is with scratching. There's not much to it and it's not a favourite bit of work, but cheers for the compliments. :)


First off, I think you should lower the volume of that wind, it completely hides the music, and a better wind sound effect would have been appreciated.

I was able to listen to the background beat, that was quite enjoyable, and the overal vibe of the song was also really good.

Just that wind man, that wind really ruined it for me.

4/5 from me, keep them coming ^^.

Tanooki-John responds:

I really wanted to have the wind effects to be loud and clear so both th music and the wind could be heard. At least you did like it. Thanks. I will try to find some better idea next time.


Hmm, nice.

I would like to hear the intro shortened however, it takes too long before the melody kicks in. Its pretty enjoyable once it does though, nice.

If your using FL6, you might want to consider a delay effect (2-3 note) for that kick when its going off by itself, to give it a more airy, techno-ey feel.

I also think this song should go under techno no misc.

The ending was WAY too abrupt, in fact I don't think there was one.

The volume levels and track placement were well done in my opinion, the beat is solid.

You've done very well.

4/5 from me, keep them coming ^^.

danglada responds:

Thank you. I've been trying to put a little more time into the songs that I submit here, and seems to be paying off a bit.


It gets pretty good with time!

There was a bit of distortion that kinda messed around with the sound, I would use a compression effect to keep the waveform stable, while still giving you considerable quality.
4/5 from me, keep them coming.

vonDark responds:

thanks, I'm going too try out that compression thing, I've got some problems with distorted sounds when using two of the same type of softsynths at the same time.

More stuff is coming.

It's been one hell of a ride guys, but it's time for me to leave. I will still be looking at my inbox, if you want me to look at songs, I will check back every once in a while. Take care Newgrounds! full_metal_slashemist@hotmail.com AIM: MaestroSorrow

Age 37, Male




Joined on 1/5/06

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