View Profile MaestroSorrow

666 Audio Reviews

479 w/ Responses

This time, you've REALLY done it!

oooh, loved that Intro Ivan.

It caught my attention RIGHT away! It was so inviting and mysterious. I adored it.

The progression of the song is amazing.

AND OMG, WHERE DID YOU GET THAT VOCAL!!! I would give you 5/5 JUST for that vocal, its so friggen great! (This must be my first zomg I luves it Rant)

Ivan I am TRULY impressed this time, you've definatly upped your power and skillz, and have shown me a side of yourself I had not known you had.

So many strange synths and effects that all work together so well.

Those strange rapid beeps actually serve a great purpose.

Where it calms down a bit, and begins to progress up again, that was an interesting side, then it washes over me again.

I have absolutely NO complaints on this, I give you a 5/5 with a great smile on my face Ivan, congrats man, this piece is better the sex.

Keep them coming, I will definatly listen ^^.

Ivan-Ether responds:

One thing came to my mind at the very end of this...


I got the Voice from my sample pack that came with my program. It's sexy, meh?

I loved the little bass break in it too ^^. I was trying to mix up a little Ragnarok Online style with that. And I'm over here in front of my term. thinking "Zomg PLEASE listen beyond the intro ><;" So I'm happy that it really made you smile ^^.

Thanks for the rev. I'm SO greatful. (:

Good stuff!

with the title, I got the image of a man just falling down a really deep tunnel, with lights just whooshing by. He had a purpose, but who knew why one jumps thousands of floors straight down to the dead core of the world ^^.

Again, strange visions, I get them all the time from listening to music, you'll have to forgive me.

The saw was well utilized, all hyper, in my face, and yet flowing smoothly enough to enjoy to its maximum potential!

I'm not a big fan of fading endings, its just my personal preferrence, still to each their own ^^, don't take that as criticism, thats just me, so I will not hold that against you.

Volume levels were done well

hmmm, I have nothing really to add to this, I feel its plenty fine the way it is.

5/5 from me Redse7en, keep them coming ^^.

Redse7en responds:

Wow I love how you can come up with a story about a song just like that from your images. No reason to be sorry for anything!

I appreciate all the compliments and the carefully thought critique! I dislike fade endings as well cause they leave a ring in my ear. I lost some of the origional sounds and did not have time to go through it to work the second part. I thus then ended my exported mp3 with a fade :( I will keep it on a mental note and keep trying! Your reviews definately help.


I liked the melody, it was unique, but it was no DEMANDING, if you know what I mean. But then again, this is a trance song, so a demanding melody is not something that could be easily accepted.

I really liked the synths here, several effects and a great variety of instruments along with a stable flow.

This gets a 5/5 from me RemedyX, keep them coming ^^.

RemedyX responds:

Thanks. I like the synth to


So dark... so cruel...

jeebus, second song I listen to, and its got satan's core in it! God so dark, I loves it!

There are some volume issues here man, i'm not sure if Reason has it, but use a compresser (it should have it, its a rather simple effect), to keep distortion to a minimum.

The transition wasn't that great, however as it was stated before, you have great individual ideas, I would like to see you expand on them individually, maybe create a new song from each one of those sections.

The atmosphere was teh great.

4/5 from me again RemedyX, keep them coming.

RemedyX responds:

It does have a compressor. Lol. Thanks. I was aiming for something dark.

Great stuff!

it has a very dark core to it, a very dark and mysterious core that resonates hatred and anger... I love it!

I love the vocals, is that a reason default, or where did you get it!? I need GOOD VOCALS >_<!

I didn't quite enjoy the really high pitch sounds, after listening for a while, they begun to hurt my head, but still, it was an exceptionally enjoyable piece.

The ending was quite interesting to hear, I liked it ^^, keep them coming RemedyX.

4/5 from me this time Remedy.

RemedyX responds:

I love you Maestro. Thank you.

Great stuff!

we be drums eh?

Did you give those drums a good beating with the hitting of drum sticks!

Heh, as the song progresses I see that you have indeed ^^.

The songs intro is a bit too long in my opinion, its a good idea to introduce instruments slowly, but you should not introduce one new instrument every time it loops, at least thats what I think, it makes the listener play the waiting game, and waiting is not something most listeners do. However when the song kicks into full gear, I absolutely adored it, you've got some great sound effects.

and when that synth kicked in, it was the strangest thing i've ever heard, and it was coupled with those... strings? It doesn't matter, it sounded pretty damn fine.

This was indeed quite a decent DnB, and I would like to congratulate you on a piece well done ^^.

5/5 from me DJdarkangel, keep them coming.

Pretty neat!

noisy doesn't begin to describe it X_x, this is something Satan would listen to while eating skulls and devouring the souls of the wicked with a silly straw!

It had a very cruel beat to it, however I would like to hear some variation, it gets repetitive, and I can hear the percussional work change in the background, but I can't appreciate them because the guitar distorts too much. There is of course changes in the melody but not often enough, and not drastic enough, I was imagining a rather high pitched guitar doing an insane solo on top of what you have now, wha tyou have is a very powerful foundation, you can build on it like mad.

A grand example of distortion happsn at the end where the sound is heavily warped, for sure you gotta tweak that area.

However I know that you havn't done that much heavy metal tracks, heck I know how difficult they are to master, so i'm not going to hold that against you.

4/5 from me this time DJdarkangel, keep them coming ^^.

DJdarkangel responds:

Satan pwns all :)


Yeah i know it'a repetitive but i sorta designed it so it can take a vocal... but i have yet to find a vocalist :)

Anywayz :)

If i find someone who can sing it out i'll post it up here :)

DarkAngel out...

now THIS is teh great!

my GOD darkangel, I leave for a few days, and you've got like 4 new songs up here... FINE FINE, now I listen to them all ;).

I love the flute work here, sounds very ethnic, and you must tell me from where you got this sound, and I will let you live, it moved me to NO ends my friend, NO ENDS!

The melody is great, the percussional work stable and inviting, the piano subtle, yet present.

I can imagine a grand violin singing with this flute in the extended version, heh, maybe i'll do it myself ^^ (just for fun of course).

Regardless this is the second time i've given a 5/5 for such a short loop (I think the first one I gave you as well)

Keep them coming DJdarkangel, for sure I am listening.

DJdarkangel responds:

Hey wassup :)

I finaly got some time to answer my reviews :) you the only one that reviews me *cry*

Anywayz :)

Yeah i have tons of ideas fot this one but i've been kind of busy lately.

I'm sorta making a demo disk... of sorts...
Anywayz :)

I'll try to finish this :)

Oh.. and about the flute i can pass along the sample if you want :)

Just IM me or mail me if you want it

MSN : darkangelstorture@yahoo.com
Or at that e-mail

DarkAngel out...

This is zorgasmic!

Bad_Man_Incorporated has a reason to want to collab, indeed you have demonstrated some EXCELLENT power and skill here, I would like that guitar louder, so that I can fully enjoy its cruel glory, and that melody it plays in the background, that was enough to move the heavens and crush them!

Your solo's are truly exceptional, and that is something I believe we can all enjoy ^^.

this gets a 6/5 + 1 voodoo curse!

Keep them coming Chrizzly, I will keep listening.

Chrizzly responds:

Omg thanks! An honor to be reviewed like that...Thanx for the 6/5 too!...we should put the voodoo curse on Zero-Voting theyll need it better!


heh, I love the popcorn song, and you've given it a new flavor... extra buttered up METAL XO!

This time the drum beats are quite powerful, however the crashes are too numerous, and loud, it distorts the sound in the background, and distracts the listener.

The guitar sound should also be louder man, I mean come on, this thing should be WAILING at the skies, screaming its power! And by that I don't mean increase volume by 600% and overdrive it, I just mean make it a bit loudre ;).

I rather enjoyed it Chrizzly, as before, good work.

4/5 this time because of the numerous crashes, keep them coming, I will keep listening ^^.

Chrizzly responds:

Heh thanks...yeah i could have edited this one a bit more i did it too fast...i hope ill work more on editing as a continuance...its hard knowing whats too much cymbal and whats too much...at the first of my tracks there were too few (which i actually agree, now as i listen to the "earlies") and now theres too much...but ill make it...citated by Lars Ulrich, Metallica: "Weve got to find a balance"...thanx for the review, man i enjoy ur reviews!

It's been one hell of a ride guys, but it's time for me to leave. I will still be looking at my inbox, if you want me to look at songs, I will check back every once in a while. Take care Newgrounds! full_metal_slashemist@hotmail.com AIM: MaestroSorrow

Age 37, Male




Joined on 1/5/06

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