View Profile MaestroSorrow

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hmm, the first thought that comes to me rnission is.

"How much would this song rock if he had used some good synths?"

And the answer is "Is Jesus ready for such a song?"

Probably not.

This song has insane potential, but the bad samples you've used hinder it's power, especially that choir, with a good choir synth, this song would nearly double its power.

However putting all sample quality aside, I really liked the melody here, it's driving, it image invoking, and it gets the job done. I didn't really think it was as driving or fast paced as it should be. Right now I feel like its bordering on some huge crash, some huge climax that didn't seem to show itself. Good melody work for sure, I think that may be the songs strongest point here. Quite diverse.

Great stuff rnission. 5/5 from me, if you like, I can show you how to use VST's, or in short, small programs that give you awesome sound quality. Keep them coming ^^.

ExpectExpansion responds:

I agree the samples are bad =p. I have wanted to find out how to use VST's for a while, because i never get the 'sound' i want out of a song due to my limited knowledge in the area )=. Any information would be greatly appreciated (== (im def going to remake this song)


Hey Zakk123, it's been a very long time. I thought i'd drop by, give a review ;).

I gotta say man, that electric guitar part, pretty sleek, not extremely energetic, but it's entertaining. I really really liked segment 0:36-0:53 with that guitar. That part seemed really melodic, I think you should have focused more on that section, it was image invoking, and I thought it had good potential.

Still, great stuff, good to see you still submitting man. Keep them coming ^^.

zakk123 responds:

thnx man for the review ima check ur stuff out. hey have you been on msn latly i dont know i been worken on lots oof songs for a new album im releasing.


It's an interesting beat Allen_A. However I feel that with the three hours you spent on it, you should have been able to mix it up a good deal more. As it stands its just the same beat, with a few additonal sound effects every once in a while. With a break down somewhere near the end.

It serves for great ambiant track, don't get me wrong, I just feel that it could have been a good deal better.

Your mixing and mastering is quite good though, so full props on that.

Keep them coming Allen_A ^^.

Always-Dark responds:

yea i know i couldve added some more stuff but i meant to just play with some sounds i hadn't use before. you know, so this is like a test song, nothing too fancy, but i still take all my work seriously.


Quite a energy filled song you present to us here SoulerFlare.

I gotta say the part where you bring in those bass/electric guitar solo, there is an aweful lot of dissonance (Dissonance is when two notes are played right beside each other, which unless tried to use for tense situations carefully, can very well make the song a little distasteful), and in my opinion, that doesn't really work out for the song itself.

I know this is the demo so I will not judge too in depth, as I don't really know what the full song would tell me, there is a lot of energy in the piece, it was quite interesting.

Keep them coming SoulerFlare.

SoulerFlare responds:

Well thank you very much for the 8 Maestro ill keep what you said in mind for the final version.



Hello dj_padman1.

You know what I really like about you? You never seem to fear experimentation, never afraid to display the products that others may find strange, or even inferior.

I would have thought this would work better in ambiant, the massive amount of sound effects, and others noises I hear, give me that kind of ambiant vibe.

I really really liked the chopping and panning of that vocal. Where did you find it? Was it a sample you found somewhere?

Very very strange, yet very interesting to listen to for sure.

4/5 from me dj_padman1, keep them coming ^^.

dj-padman1 responds:

Hello Maestro! Good to hear from you again.
I was tempted to put it in ambient, but perhaps the big breakbeat is a bit of a no-no in that genre.
Interesting observations, I appreciate your insight. About the vocal, that's one of the samples from Absynth 3 that I just used as an audio snippet, usually it would be layered with other stuff inside Absynth to create some alien pad or something.
Catcha ya later ;)



My friend SecurityInACan got to you before me... the bastard...

and those were my ideas too >_>.

Well since Security handled the imagery, i'd like to suggest a few things to the piece.

As stated, the piece has a good ambiant quality, and those disjointed strings serve to produce a chaotic atmosphere effectively. I feel the chimes may be unnecessary.

I think a great instrument for this piece which I didn't hear often enough is the timpini, it would work great to set a war like, uncertainty, which is the image I get from this piece itself. I heard it for a short while around 0:54.

That is what you must remember, percussional instruments like the crash, timpini, clavbell etc, must be used more then once to have an effect in most cases. For example, I heard a triangle sound once, and a crash only once in this piece. I think it would have made the song a bit more uniform if you used these more then once, or none at all. The chimes near the beginning (0:22) served a good purpose, I don't think you should use them near the end.

I can imagine this piece with rain going on in the background, and then it reminds me of the movie Blade Runner. I don't know if you've seen it, but its about the uncertain future of engineered clones who are hunted down on Earth. The music would fit perfectly in that movie as well.

Thats all that comes to mind right now. 5/5 from me dj_padman1, keep them coming.

dj-padman1 responds:

Thanks very much for taking the time to listen and review MaestroSorrow, means a great deal to me.

I think your comments on the percussion were spot on, I shall definitely attempt to assimilate those ideas into my future works, the percussion is so important for emphasis! Possible use of superfluous percussion also noted :)

I appreciate the Blade Runner reference, I've sure heard about it and the ideas it raises, but my only direct contact was with the computer game, which utterly defeated me!
Later MaestroSorrow, thanks again :)


Hey dj_padman1

I've been listening to your works for a while now, regretably not leaving many reviews. This piece is very well orchestrated, paints the mood effectively. As if you are seeing through the eyes of the fallen, watching a corrupt kingdom being torn from the inside out, lacerating the ambitions, not to forget, the heads of those too weak to oppose the strong...

so many images I could tell you, many of which I can't without some form of image ;).

the melody that starts at 1:08 is just so damn moving, so evil, so dark.

5/5 from me dj_padman, keep them coming. I'm not totally defeated, i'll still hang around, drop by every once in a while to leave reviews.

Very nice sound effects, especially that rusty swing kinda sound near the beginning.

dj-padman1 responds:

Hey, here's the man himself!
Well, first of all, thanks for your reassurance that you will indeed be gracing the AP in the future. Lol, yeah, the song title is no reflection on your status here ;)
Thanks for your kind review, most appreciated. And if you heard about this track from the 'publicity forum' please pardon my French. I was really mad that this track that actually had a purpose would be so viciously cut down, even more than usual...
Thanks again for dropping by Maestro. :)


hey RaustBlackDragon, it has been a while man, how you been ^^.

I'm glad to see you submit, I thought for a minute you might not come back. Sorry I didn't review some of the other pieces, its been a hectic month.


This piece makes great use of the Spiccato strings, diffinatly prepares me for a battle feel, especially with that timpini.

I think you should watch your volume levels man, it gets a bit distorted when you bring in the brass, the strings, and the timpini.

Great use of repition and the flutes, very nice. I especially love it when the strings go up an octave.

The melody is very battle like indeed.

Have you considered putting bells into this piece. Make it an UBER epic piece.

Still, awesomely awesome Raust, 5/5 from me, keep them coming.

RaustBlackDragon responds:

Thanks for the review Maestro, and just so you know, it's Pizzicato, not spiccato. anyway, hey did you ever get the midi? I'm worried the file was too big.


hey franklind23, its been a long time since you posted.

This piece is definatly a slower, more laid back trance piece, the melody soft, serene, and just gentle.

Nice pad use, and the synths work well together. he melody near the end got a bit repetitive, but the very end of it altered nicely.

I think you should have used the line "Winds of Change" only once, near the end. It would have in my opinion made a bigger impact on the listener. Maybe as a finale thing before the song ends.

Overall though, very nice work. 5/5 from me franklind23, keep them coming.

franklind23 responds:

thanks for your review Maestro! i'm sorry that you're not posting on NG anymore man, but i hope that whatever you move onto is excellent and you succeed. i think maybe the vocals could've ben used about half as much as i put in but oh wells, lessen learned for next time

Going home...

this can EASILY be used in ANY game... its so wonderful, and gentle... I can see the hero basking in the light, sitting under a tree on a cliff, the wind gently brushing against the tall grass, the birds nesting.

The whole works.

That ocarina sounds so incredible, you must tell me where you found it.

I don't think anything should be added to this piece at all, just extended, its damn perfect the way it is right now.

5/5 from me smartpoetic, keep them coming!

SuperTonic64 responds:

Thanks MaestroSorrow! ^_^

I'm glad you've told me what you have imagined. :D You almost hit the nail on the head. ;) (Check out the response for WinterWind to see the story behind the song. :D)

I actually found this library by a brillant OC remixer named Darkesword. It is called the TGS(and then a bunch of random numbers. :P) I've looked for that same library again, but I can't find it anymore. (I might have to email it to you. ;) )

Anyway, thanks for the review! ^_^

It's been one hell of a ride guys, but it's time for me to leave. I will still be looking at my inbox, if you want me to look at songs, I will check back every once in a while. Take care Newgrounds! full_metal_slashemist@hotmail.com AIM: MaestroSorrow

Age 37, Male




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