View Profile MaestroSorrow

666 Audio Reviews

479 w/ Responses


NGSteve's One and Only

Faction 1
Originality : 18
Diversity : 17
Clarity : 18
Effort : 18
Melody : 19

Overall : 90

I've heard quite a few sad songs, afterall, I do nothing BUT make depressing military songs ^^. However this song still rings quite original in my ear, i've heard very few songs like this.

You have a good number of instruments going on here, and they all co-operate well together. They also play rather interesting pieces.

I felt there were some clarity issues. The strings you have going overpower the piano, and though the strings are playing a sad simple melody, the piano is the one telling the story, the strings should be the support.

The story is told remarkably well, and to pull that off, requires a rather large amount of effort. It is a good thing you did put in this much effort, it is effective.

Aah, Melodies. I love a good melody, and thats why I loved this so much. The beginning melody set the mood RIGHT away, which is a crucial part to a song. It must tell its story quickly, it must open the canvas and paint the image effectively. This melody does just that.

Overall Impression on me:
I am glad you did not put any percussional work into this piece, I feel that would have made it sound worse, or even ruin the mood entirely.

I really liked the toy box sounds? It gave it a very unique feel to it, I rather enjoyed that part.

The strings were good volume near the end, I feel it should be this volume throughout the whole song.

I would have liked to hear a solo violin/viola over the section. Why? Because I feel a solo instrument string would have given the image of loneliness a much more powerful stand. Almost as if there is only one who can play that melody, that one string. I hope you understand what I mean ^^.

Great stuff NGSteve, Thank you for joining the contest and giving us this piece!


Zenon's Cathedral.

Faction 1
Originality : 18
Diversity : 18
Clarity : 17
Effort : 17
Melody : 19

Overall : 89

Knowing the songs original, did not make it easy for me to judge seriously *giggle*, but I managed, and the originality in this piece was quite intense.

There are two major parts to this song, the buildup and scary intro, and then after that, the power hungry darkness kinda voice. Both of these were damn awesome, and quite diverse.

This is where you lost a few points. That booming bell, though it gave an amazing effect, distorted the song rather heavily, and overpowered the other instruments.

The effort was there, as with all your songs. You can definatly hear it, especially after the build up intro. However I would have liked to hear you end the song with another melody style over the buildup.

The melody was damn cool, neat and scary. I was skeptical at first, at the two different voices. I thought they didn't really mix well, but I was wrong. The first part, to the middle works well, but I am quite certain that after the energetic part, jumping back into the suspenseful build up, did not work too well. Still it was damn awesome.

Overall impression on me:
I loved that bell, t'was really neat!

The percussional stuff was intense too, I really liked the snares in the energetic part, that part made my day, it gave some intense flavour.

I think I heard some tubelar bells in the background of that part, make it louder, maybe some reverb?

There is little more I can think of to add or subtract from this piece.

Great stuff Zenon, thank you joining the contest and giving us this piece!


GrumbleDuke's Redemption Lost

Faction 1
Originality : 18
Diversity : 19
Clarity : 17
Effort : 18
Melody : 19

Overall : 91

Quite the song style you got going here. An intense story is being told, but I don't know if Redemption Lost is a fitting title, this for me, is a piece bordering with battle/vigour music.

You've got a load of instruments, and a load of different riff's, which makes this song really nice to listen to.

This is where you lost some points GrumbleDuke. The very first flute riff seems a little odd to me, theres just this one note in there, that threw me off.

After the flutes, you throw in too many instruments in too fast, and it becomes a bit muddled. I was able to adjust to them off course, but when you have so many new melodies just jumping at you, it becomes a bit hard to keep up.

Any battle song takes a load of effort in my opinion. And this is some pretty fine battle music, and I can hear the effort with so many different riff's and melodies.

This was your strongest point, because you have a lot of neat melodies going on, and they all sing for a common cause, one united voice that really shines out.

Overall impression on me:
I would like to hear some more percussional work Grumble. A piece like this DEMANDS you have some form of crazy snare roll, and those timpini's were not nearly loud enough. I realize of course, that making the timpini loud may very well have sacrificed clarity, so I will not hold that against you.

The transitions here were pretty damn fine. The background instruments were also just damn cool. They were perfect volume, just hanging in the back, yet giving their own to the song as well.

I really think this song needs more crashes you know, during transitions and in the middle of intense brass riffs.

I realize all these suggestions would make this a purely energetic battle song, and I think you were trying to go with a different story, but heh, this is what I am getting from it ^^.

When the flutes and those strings make a little solo stand, that was my favourite. Awesomeness.

Great stuff GrumbleDuke. THank you for joining the contest and giving us this piece!

NGAudioArtists responds:

Talk about extensive...a lot of time has been spent considering this, and the same for everyone else too. I'll explain "Redemption Lost", seeing as there is no real space in the info bar. Imagine a statement along these lines:

"Your time has come daemon, the light is closed to you now. You shall fall by my hand!". Paladin and evil being then fight.

I know hindesight is wonderful etc, but it really bugged me about the flutes in the beginning, especially the piccolo, but nowt I can do with that now. Once again your wisdom rings true; the timpanis could not be made louder or they became overpowering, the same with the harp later on. I had a feeling you would like the flute transition (that's it milk him for all he's got ;) ).



Faction 1
Originality : 17
Diversity : 17
Clarity : 15
Effort : 19
Melody : 17

Overall : 85

This is quite the original song DarkA, has a very unique feel to it, an intense story, bordering on epic. I think I can safely say I have not heard anything quite like it to date.

You've got quite a few instruments going on here, and they're all quite well chosen. You make them play in quite a unique style.

This is where the song was lacking DarkA, there was some serious overpowering instruments here. When the choir kicks in, everything else is overpowered.

I can really sense you put some real effort into this piece, I think it may one of you better ones (and I've heard quite a few from you ^^).

The melody was sweet, and easily one can flow into it, and exist in its atmosphere for extended periods of time.

Overall impression on me:
Like I stated before you have some interesting choicing of instrumentation, and they seem to work quite well.

I would check out that piano, towards the middle and end where it begins to play that other riff really fast, I can hear some sour chords, which threw me off balance.

For sure, those choirs should be looked at, they sing an interesting melody, but they are overpowering. Lower their volumes.

I really like the percussional work, its simple, yet effective. Then again, you do seem to be pretty damn good with percussional stuff as of late, so I can see why ^^.

The ending was a bit too abrupt, perhaps end it with a crash or with one final riff with the piano? There should be something there.

Great stuff DJDarkAngel, thank you for joining the contest and giving us this piece!


Zeth - §The New Era§

Faction 1
Originality : 18
Diversity : 17
Clarity : 20
Effort : 16
Melody : 17
Overall : 88

The song was quite original, had several voices, several stories pouring out, which makes it a pleasure to listen to for several times, trying out new stories, new emotions and most of them seem compatible ^^.

Interesting use of the instruments, and they all played something interesting and diverse, and you had quite a few of them going on in there.

There was absolutely no place in the song where it became blurry, distorted, or anything of clarity issue. Top marks there.

The song was really good, however it seemed a tad bit repetitive, when the piano part kicks in, thats just friggen awesome.

The song's melody is quite catchy, just picks you up right away, and for originality I would give you 19, however the melody got a bit repetetive. The piano part again was really something, that set itself apart, and gave the song some intensity.

Overall Impression on me:
The choice of instrumentation was good here Zeth, it all seemed to flow, and that guitar going off at the background added some sense of wonder to it, which is always bonus.

My favourite part of this song, was with the piano (third time saying this now), because that riff was so short, but so god damned sweet.

I would have liked to hear more complex percussional work, and a different kick, I don't think this one worked out too well.

Great stuff Zeth, thank you for joining the contest and giving us this piece!


IAmMark's WeepingSouls

Faction 2
Originality : 19
Diversity : 17
Clarity : 15
Effort : 18
Melody : 19

Overall : 87 + 2

It was a very strange and interesting piece IAmMark, it caught me into his fine story RIGHT away. I nearly fell into a coma, just falling back more and more into the song, letting it wash over me. Wonderful stuff.

There were quite a few interesting pads and synths being used here, and they all seemed to flow really well together.

This is where you lost quite a few points IamMark, when that plucky synth comes in, and picks up volume, there is a fair amount of distortion. I listen to all the songs on headphones, as most people who put songs on their MP3 players would ;).

The effort is there, the subtle tones, the sweeping song, all proves it. I have no doubt in my mind, that you have put in quite a bit of effort in this piece. Many thanks for doing so.

This was I believe you strongest point with Originality. The melody was simple, yet intensely captivating! You used the same melody in the background, to serve as a constant familiar touch for the listener, and this pays off rather well.

Overall impression on me:
Well use of the pan on those sound effects, most of the time I feel that pan distracts a listener, but with this, there is a gentle transition from one ear to the other. The sound effects are themselves rather quiet, and I believe this is what made them pannable. Loud noises being panned are just way too distracting.

The title fits rather well, I got a very depressing, very subtle tone in this piece. I abslutely loved the image, and thats why I gave you + 2 to the score.

The choice of instrumentation were also good, it all fit together.

Now don't take this suggestion too seriously, I am a classical nutcase, so I keep hearing this song with a nice viola singing with it. Adding some more foundation and flavour. Again however, thats probably just me, don't take it seriously ^^.

Great stuff IamMark, thank you for joining the contest, and giving us this piece!


RyeHeadGuy's Castle Guard

Faction 2
Originality : 19
Diversity : 19
Clarity : 20
Effort : 19
Melody : 20

Overall : 97

Wow, the originality in this piece was just OUT of there! I absolutely adored the placement and how you placed everything! Exceptional indeed.

There was so much going on, yet there was no competition between instruments! So many instruments, so many sounds, weaved into one fine fabric of song.

I was thinking, with so much going on, there had to be somewhere where you would mess up and things would get a bit distorted or muddled. I was so wrong, I must now commit Seppeku. No distortion, no nothing, top marks.

Epic pieces always require lots of effort, and everything you had going on here showed it! Many thanks for putting in the effort, it shows.

I absolutely adored the melody, it was very catchy, and it told me so many stories, so many things. And those neat sounds you add, especially when that techno part kicks in, thats what NAILED the 20 for me. Great stuff.

Overall Impression on me:
I really can't say anything about this piece, that doesn't fall under rant. I adored the instrument placing, the sounds you had going off, the overal feel was really good.

I wonder about those shakers however, I am not a big fan of them, but thats just me, I think they add a very stable pace.

Great stuff RyeGuyHead, Thank you for joining the contest and giving us this piece!

NGAudioArtists responds:

is that the....highest score?
Wow, completely undeserving


Generel Leo's Under Dark Skies

Faction 1 (Debatable)
Originality : 18
Diversity : 17
Clarity : 20
Effort : 17
Melody : 19

Overall : 91

It was a very original piece General_Leo. There was a very unique voice to this song, and this is something I truly appreciate. Neat way of using the instruments too.

There are a nice amount of instruments going on, all flowing well together, and the way you use them are diverse as well.

Absolutely no distortion, no popping, or hissing, waveform stable, everything audible and clear. Top marks here.

I can see the effort you put in this piece as well, I am glad you did put that much effort, it shows, and its grand!

This is where it really got me, I loved the melody, easy flowing, nothing clashes, and there is no competition from other instruments. Simple, effective, catchy and well planned. I especially enjoy it when that piano plays that little riff, towards the middle I believe.

Overall Impression on me:
There are some effects here, that some may consider not in Faction 1, such as the flanger you use, but I am rather sure that this effect can be duplicated in real life, so I stick with my opinion that this is a Faction 1 piece.

The song was a fairly dark piece, I enjoyed the story it gave me, of a soldier marching on and on, wandering unfamiliar lands. Very neat.

I liked the choice of instrumentation here General_Leo, it all fits perfectly, and you use the right amount of bass and treble, making it sound more full.

The percussional beat was simple, but it was good that it was simple, I felt a hyper/complex drum beat would not serve a good purpose for this song.

I wonder what this song would have sounded like with a bit of timpini in there.

Great stuff General_Leo, Thank you for joining the contest and giving us this piece!


LoneInsrumentalist's LI Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

Faction 1
Originality : 15
Diversity : 16
Clarity : 20
Effort : 18
Melody : 16

Overall : 85 + 3

Starts off with a very basic melody, and yet when the "master" comes in, it becomes so wonderful, so MUCH emotion, amazing.

There were few instruments going on, but as the song progressed, it became more and more diverse, more powerful, and much more complex.

Absolutely no popping, no hissing, no distortion. Waveform was very stable and everything was clear. Top marks here.

I can see you have put in quite a bit of effort into this piece, I can hear it, and I would like to thank you for putting in the effort to make a good piece.

Starts off simple like I stated before, but becomes much more powerful with progression. I liked the twists and you improved the simple song quite drastically.

Overall impression on me:
The story is what really got me, I could imagine just perfectly, a young pupil, playing in front of huge audience, and then the pupil messes up. The pupil's eye grow watery, he messed up so bad, and then this gentle, mentor sits beside him, and begins to play with him. I gave you 3 additional points because the song moved me quite drastically.

The strings then pop in like in a movie, just emphasizing this point.

I am glad you left out any snares and what not, they would not have worked here.

I would have liked to hear a flute in here, you know, a sweet gentle flute just hovering up there, with long extended notes.

The part where it was just the pupil again, was well planned, and how it ended, was also just damn good.

Great stuff LoneInstrumentalist, Thank you for joining the contest and giving us this piece!


WinterWind's Adagio Espressivo Cantabile

Faction 1
Originality : 18
Diversity : 17
Clarity : 20
Effort : 18
Melody : 20

Overall : 93

heh, I am nowhere near as knowledgable as SineQuaNon, so I have no idea what he refers to, however I quite liked this song, a lot! It plays a very intense story. I felt it was quite original.

There were not many instruments playing here, but you more then made up for it with what you did with what you had. And since a piece like this is supposed to be slow, adding too much would only make it crap.

Top marks here, I didn't hear any distortion, overpowerment, or blurring of any kind in the song.

I think you put in quite a lot of effort into this piece WinterWind. And I know you play your own piano, and so playing it to perfection like this, really must have been quite the challenge... heh, maybe not, you ARE pretty damn good with the piano.

I loved those strings, really gave it a nice romantic feel to it, a really nice air to the whole song! I absolutely adored it.

Overall impression on me:
I am glad you didn't add any form of percussional work into this song, it would have ruined it in my opinion.

The strings, like I mentioned before, was just so teh sexy. I feel they add a whole new level to the song, wihch allows the listener to dwell even deeper then if you didn't have them there.

Tone of the piece is amazing, and this I credit to the fact you played the piano.

I have nothing to add or subtract from this song.

Great stuff WinterWind, thank you for joining the contest and giving us this piece!

It's been one hell of a ride guys, but it's time for me to leave. I will still be looking at my inbox, if you want me to look at songs, I will check back every once in a while. Take care Newgrounds! full_metal_slashemist@hotmail.com AIM: MaestroSorrow

Age 37, Male




Joined on 1/5/06

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